May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 968: have a bad attitude

It seems that the little **** Sheng Ning is right, maybe he really has the same illness with Shen Yu. An abandoned child who can be abandoned by the family at any time, and the biological one can give up at any time, let alone her adopted.

Humph! Since you are ruthless, don't blame her for being cruel.

Company Commander Liu brought people in, and the clerk beside him was holding a record book. Looking at Hailan on the bed, she said in an official tone: "Name?"

"Hai Lan." Hai Lan closed her eyes and said coldly.

"Yesterday at noon, you met Sheng'an in the military district compound and accused her of being an enemy agent?"

"I am not accusing her, she is clearly an enemy agent."

"We have investigated Sheng'an's identity, and there is absolutely no possibility of enemy agents."

Hailan opened her eyes and looked at Company Commander Liu contemptuously, "It must be that you have misunderstood the investigation and are not capable enough."

"What evidence do you have, if you accuse a person, you have to show evidence. If you can provide evidence, we will accept it."

"Accepting what? Go to jail or shot?"

Company Chief Liu could no longer maintain his official face, and the look in Hailan's eyes changed from being kind to disapproval. What does this girl mean? Deliberately not cooperating? Still have grudges with Sheng'an, so take the opportunity to take revenge?

"Comrade Hailan, please pay attention to your attitude." The clerk next to me taught, "Now I am looking for you for questioning. As a military commander, show me your qualities."

"Here you? What are you? Why should I show you an attitude?"

The clerk was blushing when he was scolded.

Company Commander Liu motioned him to stop talking with his eyes, and then calmly said: "Comrade Hailan, I am a company commander, and you have not been promoted. Talking to the superiors, your attitude is indeed problematic."

"What's my attitude? What's wrong with my attitude." Hailan said slowly: "My clerk is equal to me, right? I'm not wrong! Company commander, you can rest assured that I will be polite when talking to you. ."

Company Commander Liu took a deep breath. Before he set off, he and Minister Zhu assigned the task of rock-paper-scissors. He won and chose Hailan, and was complacent, and laughed at Fat Zhu.

Unexpectedly, this sea blue is not easy to deal with.

"Please describe what happened."

"Yes, the company commander." Hailan said with a smile: "I just came back and found someone in the compound, sneaking. And I was drawing a picture with a short pencil in my hand. You said she is not a spy. What is she?"

"Draw a picture?" Captain Liu asked in confusion, "Why didn't you tell me before?"

"I was stabbed before, so can you remember it so clearly? Isn't this what you came, I was thinking of cooperating with the investigation?"

"go on."

"Then I went up to stop it, and she slyly defended her. Then she fell over accidentally, and the gun she hid in her pocket was exposed. You will know what happened after that."

"Is there such a coincidence in the world?"

"Even commander, you can't be so eccentric, right?"

Company Chief Liu sneered, "Comrade Hailan, take a good rest. We will come again next time if we have any problems."

Hailan didn't make a sound and closed her eyes to rest.

The clerk's face turned blue from anger.

Company Commander Liu gave a wink and led people away, and he was waiting outside after going out. Hastened a military salute. "Master Hai."

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