May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 971: Minister Zhu's transformation

"Ah? Well..." Minister Zhu was shocked, then the two shook hands happily.

After the inquiry was over, Minister Zhu came out of the office to remember. What did Comrade An An call him just now? Fat Zhu?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... how can he call him fat? Don't worry about Fatty, how can you call him Fatty Zhu?

Sheng Ning waited outside, and quietly let out An An's smile. It's not in vain that she deliberately stepped down the steps for Fat Zhu just now, and finally she did not deliberately embarrass her.

"Hello Comrade Shengning." Minister Zhu saw the two of Shengning greeting each other.

"Hello Minister Zhu."

Minister Zhu's eyes jumped when he heard this name. Don't think he doesn't know, black and white impermanence must have been calling him Fatty Zhu from behind, or how could a girl as simple as Comrade An An know to call Fatty Zhu?

"Comrade Shengning, there are some things I want to talk to you alone."

"Okay, please here." Sheng Ning made a gesture of please, not forgetting to turn around and ask An An before leaving. "Go to my mother-in-law, and eat with them when you are hungry."


There is a separate park in the inpatient department, which is usually used for walking in hospital patients and their families. There is also a small pond in the park, the water is crystal clear, and sunflowers are planted around it.

Sheng Ning raised his head to look at the blue sky, and lowered his head to see the crystal clear water. Although there was a smell of disinfectant that could not be concealed in the air, he was still sober.

She squinted her eyes halfway, thanking herself again for being born again.

Minister Zhu has been observing her and found that she is relaxed and full of love for everything around her? It is love, and my vigilance has also been reduced a lot.

Black and white impermanence is really a strange person. The first time he touches it, he is very horrible. When I heard that he did not blink his eyes when he stabbed people, he was completely unrelenting.

Now there is gentleness, elegance like water, and warmth like fire.

Minister Zhu is more curious as he studies.

"Minister Zhu, why are you looking at me like this?" Sheng Ning frowned, dislike the feeling of being inquired.

"Oh oh oh... I'm sorry!" Minister Zhu sincerely apologized.

Sheng Ning had this strange feeling in her heart. Why does Minister Zhu seem to be afraid of herself? Moreover, the people he brought have been following far away, so far away that even her as a soldier can't find her.

Is this tracking?

At such a long distance, if you can really find anything, the ability to track people can enter the wolf group.

Minister Zhu noticed her wandering gaze and coughed embarrassingly when she saw that she was carrying the sneaky look of her subordinates. This group of little rascals, heard that they are going to come with him to see the black and white impermanence, they are reluctant to follow, for fear that they will be kicked like Captain Liu.

Don't talk about face then, even the lining will be gone. And they don’t have the same physical fitness as Company Captain Liu. If someone accidentally takes his life, who will suffer?

"Comrade Shengning, I just asked An An. She is a very well-behaved girl. I fully trust her. As for the possession of guns, I think it should be wronged. As for the evidence, we haven’t found it, but we will do our best to investigate. , Will definitely find out."

Sheng Ning stared in surprise. Is this Minister Zhu taking the wrong medicine? It's so easy to talk, even the gun thing is directly ruled out. Or is he obedient after being beaten?

No, definitely not. The reason should be the conversation with An An.

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