At this time, most people are very simple, and they have received selfless ideological education from an early age to build the modernization of the motherland. Morality and values ​​are correct. Although Minister Zhu was beaten at the Garrison Command, he did not hold any hatred in his heart.

Public is public and private is private, and they will not be confused. Moreover, they arrested the wrong person and used punishment.

"I suggest that An An must join the army in the future. Such talent should not be wasted, let alone doing business. Of course, I am not disgusting that doing business is not good, but she can definitely shine in her field of expertise."

Sheng Ning's expression was stunned, and he was seriously considering it.

In terms of talent and making money, of course, I choose to maximize my talent. Just like Liu Yilan, her achievements cannot be separated from her own efforts. But the prerequisite is that she has an amazing talent.

The talent of Chen Huaying sharpshooter is the same, dancing is a family arrangement. Although it came here reluctantly, it wasn't that the one I liked was unhappy after all. The last sentence was transferred from the Art Troupe to the National Defense University. As for myself, if it weren't for the previous life that I chose to dance and let dance become my obsession, I might choose the same path as Chen Huaying.

Thinking about it now, if An An really makes money in business in the future, it is indeed a waste. But how to choose the road in the future, she can't call the shots for An An. What she can do is to relieve her worries and let her choose what she likes with peace of mind.

After understanding this, Sheng Ning solemnly thanked: "Thank you Minister Zhu, An An will decide on her own future routing, and I will support her with both hands no matter what she does."

"She wants to make money, she wants to reduce the burden on her family and you."

"At this point, I will tell her that I am in everything at home."

"That's good." Minister Zhu rubbed his hands excitedly, "I...I want to personally write a recommendation letter to the staff."

Sheng Ning smiled, "I still need to talk to An An, and I will ask about the gun."

"No trouble, no trouble. Now the Thirty-Ninth Division and the Warwolf Regiment are investigating, the true situation will definitely come to light soon."

"I believe it." Sheng Ning said firmly.

With so many people investigating, Zhou Yuan would definitely be unable to sit still. As long as she acts, she will be exposed immediately.


Minister Zhu went out from the hospital with a face full of spring breeze, and saw Company Captain Liu standing at the door with a calm face waiting for him, and asked in surprise, "How come you are over soon?" Bayi Hospital is half an hour farther away than the PLA General Hospital!

"Don't mention it, that sea blue is simply unreasonable. Is the black and white impermanence smooth here?"

"It went so well."

Company Commander Liu looked at him suspiciously, "Are you really swollen face to fill the fat man?"

"Really not, don't call Comrade Shengning black and white impermanence in the future. Where is the black and white impermanence of others? Obviously it is kindness, integrity and love."

Company Commander Liu glanced at the subordinates behind Minister Zhu and asked with his eyes. ‘Your minister took the wrong medicine? Or was it drenched? ’

The subordinate said he didn't know he shook his head.

Sending away Minister Zhu, Sheng Ning went to An An with a big smile. The whole family ate in the cafeteria. When Shengning arrived, the three of them had eaten as a family. An An began to wave her hands when she saw her far away.

"Sister, here it is! Here."

In fact, Sheng Ning has seen it from a long distance, and An'an's three-dimensional features are easy to recognize in the crowd.

When she approached and sat down, Zhao Lanzhi had already prepared her meal.

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