May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 976: Go to school to find someone

In the afternoon, after An An and Zhao Lanzhi went back to rest, Sheng Ning drove to the National Defense University alone. Looking at the majestic gate, her eyes were full of envy and expectation.

Not expecting to come to study, but expecting that one day An An can also come to study.

Ok! She decided that when An Ankao filled out her volunteers, she asked her to apply for this school. At school, two people, Chen Huaying and Su Huaian, supported her, and I was more at ease.

At this time, Sheng Ning had never expected that there were not only people who supported An An at the National Defense University, but also people who looked at her sternly. After the discovery, it is simply beyond regret!

"Hello comrade, the school does not allow outsiders to enter or leave."

In this majestic school, even the guards standing guard at the door are special police with live ammunition. As soon as Sheng Ning approached, he was directly warned.

"Hello this soldier, I am a visitor, I'm here to find someone."

"Who are you looking for?" The guard came out with a man in military uniform and saw a trace of doubt flashing across Sheng Ning's face. "Comrade, have we met?"

"No!" Sheng Ning shook his head firmly.

The other party was also embarrassed and scratched his head, "Strange, I always feel like I have seen you."

"Oh!" Sheng Ning suddenly realized, she remembered that the organizers of the PLA newspaper are top students from the National Defense University. Many of these journalists and writers are teachers and students in the school.

Every issue of the People's Liberation Army newspaper will be available at school.

"This soldier I belong to the Thirty-Ninth Division Art Troupe. I guess you have seen me in the newspaper."

The opponent slapped his head and almost jumped up excitedly. The originally serious soldier suddenly became a bit like a fan of the future generations. "Military flower, you are a military flower. I look better than the photo, no wonder I didn't recognize it just now."

"By the way, you are looking for someone, right? Which one are you looking for? Please register first." Midi was busy chasing stars and didn't forget his own job.

Sheng Ning entered the guard, wrote his name and the identity of the art soldier in the notebook, and then wrote Su Huaian's name.

"Comrade Shengning, it turns out you are looking for Professor Su."

"Are people often looking for Professor Su?" Sheng Ning guessed from his tone.

"Yeah! Professor Su is the most popular professor in our school. Even the art soldiers of the Advancing Song and Dance Ensemble next door often have people come to him. Professor Su has already told us that whenever a woman comes to him, he not see."

Sheng Ning had long guessed that her cousin was popular, but he did not expect to be so popular.

In the 1980s, people's thinking was still slightly conservative, and chasing men would not be too bold. This has to be put in the future. It is estimated that there will be many people over the wall every day.

"Professor Su is my cousin, and his grandfather is my grandfather."

"No wonder you write good words firsthand, I will take you over." The other party said admiringly.

Sheng Ning followed him into the school, dazzled and excited all the way. The National Defense University has a rigorous academic style and a strong learning atmosphere, with students holding books everywhere.

Because it is a military academy, the training facilities and shooting ranges seen along the way are more numerous and wide-ranging than their divisions. She doesn't even know some settings.

And the school is so huge that people who are not familiar with it will get lost.

The two went all the way to the upper-grade teaching area. Su Huaian’s class today is for the senior command department on international battle analysis. Sheng Ning walked to the gate and saw that there were people sitting inside, all listening intently.

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