May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 978: Want to do something again

A woman who dared to talk about a living Hades, as long as you get out of the school gate can tear you up.

Everyone shut up in unison, their eyes were astonished and shocked.

The Living Hades got married, and married a military flower? This...this is too lucky, right?

"Cut, you are wrong, even if you don't get out of the school gate, you can still be torn by hands."

"Hahaha...Nine of the ten students in our school want to join the War Wolves after graduation. What you are talking about is their sister-in-law. It's strange if you don't tear you up."

Mom... The Northern Military Region is terrible. Is it too late to go back now?

"You are not allowed to call my sister in the future." Sheng Ning gave Qin Yue a blank look. "If you call again, I will let An An never ignore you."

"Yes, sister-in-law, I was wrong." The little hooligan acted as good as a scum, and was very right about his hooligan essence.

"I'm here to see Professor Su."

"I know, talk slowly." Qin Yue waved his hand, so he slipped away in front of the teacher.

Sheng Ning was surprised to see, "He is absent from class, don't you stop?"

Su Huaian rubbed his eyebrows, "It would be better for him to leave, otherwise he would be making trouble most of the time."


"What are you coming to see me for? Next time you have something to do, just call me directly, don't bother to go there."

"It's not clear on the phone, so I just came directly."

"It's okay, you call, I just go to meet you and say it."

"That's all right!" She is asking for help, and she doesn't like being aloof, calling people casually. Even if Su Huaian was willing, she couldn't do it. It is also impossible to develop an arrogant personality, and others do not owe her, there is no need to call back and forth.

"Yes, my parents-in-law are here, and I have to take care of Qi Gang during this time. So I don't have time to entertain them, take them around, want to trouble you. I don't know if you have time?"

"Yes, of course." Su Huaian answered without hesitation.


"Yeah!" Su Huaian nodded again. He didn't actually take classes in the Advanced Commanding Department, but several old professors couldn't help being tricked by the little hooligans. They couldn't bear to find him, so they couldn't resign and had to help.

It happened that Ning Ning asked him for help, so he could have a reason to ask for leave from the school to get rid of the hooliganism.

"Then trouble you, I will go back tonight to help them draw up a guide, and tomorrow you will come directly to the hospital to pick up people. In the next few days, all thanks to you.

"Ningning, you are too polite with me, I am your cousin. These things are my part, and I should do it. I won't be allowed to be so strange next time."

Sheng Ning smiled and nodded, but he didn't think so.

In fact, she is not much different from An An in this respect, insecure. Because you know that you don't have the capital to be arrogant, you always keep your measure, because you know that willfulness will not necessarily be unconditionally tolerant of you, so you never dare to be willful.

In this life, she will always be willful in front of Xu Qigang alone.


When I returned to the hospital from school, it was already dark. The traffic is inconvenient now, and there is no car, and a lot of time is wasted on the road by taking a car and walking.

Before Sheng Ning entered the door, she saw Guo Sister Guo rushing over from the corridor.

"Sheng Ning, you are here, great, thank goodness."

"What's the matter?" Sheng Ning's face turned pale when she was scared by her, and she grabbed Guo's arm, "Did something happen to Qigang? Isn't it? What's wrong with him?"

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