Otherwise, an extra gun suddenly appeared on An An's body, and the people in the garrison headquarters would not have been investigating it all the time. Like the Living Hades, they are licensed to wear guns, but they are also in daily training.

When you were hospitalized, you gave it back to the concessionaire?

Sheng Ning couldn't figure it out.

Xu Qigang glanced indifferently, "This is my privilege with Chen Yingjie." After speaking, in order to prevent a guilty conscience, he looked at the chicken soup seriously, "Can you eat it?"

"Yes..." Sheng Ning's attention was distracted by him, and he put this question behind his head. She was going to help him do it. Someone had already sat up very consciously, and put two pillows behind him.

Take the gun away when you stuff the pillow.

"Xiao Ning, you have something to eat too." Xu Qigang carried the bowl, and instead of drinking it, he sent it to Sheng Ning. "Xiao Ning, you have worked hard. You have to make up more, or I'm afraid you won't be able to take it."

"I'm fine, you can drink!"

"It's better for you to drink." Xu Qigang didn't take a deep look at her, and said seriously: "Really! You have to make up well, or else... the body falls apart and I will feel distressed if I can't get out of the bed." long.

Sheng Ning realized afterwards, and when he saw with his hot eyes, what else did he not understand?

Make a big red face.

"Living Hades, you're getting more and less serious, know?"

"Yeah!" He nodded seriously, and seriously fed her first.

Sheng Ning died with a hard duck mouth, "Living Hades, I don't know who will surrender first!"

"Even if a man died in battle, he cannot surrender."

Killed in battle? surrender?

How crazy would it be to make him ‘dead’?

Sheng Ning shuddered, thinking of his terrible physical strength. Every time he cried and begged for mercy, but he was really still in the mood, regretting that he had to die for the sake of face.

"Living Hades, please let it go." Sheng Ning looked at him pitifully, and said coquettishly: "I really can't bear it."

Someone covered his face in pain and said in a hoarse voice: "Xiao Ning, you are playing with fire, you know I can't stand you the most."

"Hahaha..." Someone gloated unscrupulously. She finally discovered that the male chauvinistic king, it turns out that the most unbearable thing is to act like a baby.

Suddenly, he stretched out his hand like lightning, grabbed her wrist and put it under his quilt. Unexpectedly, he touched something hot.

Audacious and furious, Sheng Ning's hand bounced off as soon as he touched it, but he still couldn't get rid of his one-handed restraint.

She was taken aback, and then shyly did not dare to look at him.

"Do you feel it?"

"...What?" Uh uh uh... Living Hades, how can you become so lusty? How can you be such a serious hooligan?

"Xiaoning, do you feel me?"


"Xiao Ning, my love..." His voice was low and hoarse, and every click hit her heart like a beautiful note.

"Yeah!" Sheng Ning said in a dull voice with no bones.

A smile appeared on someone's lips, and then he reluctantly released the grip on her hand.

"Are you full?"

"Huh?" Sheng Ning was silly, his head dull, as if the whole person's thinking was taken by him, and he followed him.

"I have not eaten!"

"Hahaha..." Xu Qigang couldn't help it anymore, laughing out loud.

He really rarely laughs, even if he has a smile, it is very shallow and not obvious. It was the first time Sheng Ning saw a laugh like this.

"It's embarrassing!" She couldn't wait to get under the bed, but seeing him smile so happy, it didn't matter to be ashamed.

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