May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 999: Take advantage of your illness to kill you

Military area compound, an important military place of the People's Liberation Army. She followed and secretly checked it, and it was full of armed police with live ammunition. She didn't have any chance to attack, so she had to withdraw.

"Tonight, Xiaoying, you go with Wulong to explore the bottom first."

"Okay! Captain, don't worry, the Living Hades is a waste now. Killing him is as easy as squeezing an ant." Wu Long grinned with a grinning smile.

"Yeah!" Li Xia nodded, "We act separately. Ruan, you take someone with me, and we will meet the old friend before."


Li Xia sneaked in this time, but it wasn't a sudden impulse. I have already made two-handed preparations in my mind. The first is the assassination, which is simple and direct. When you are sick and killing you, it is best to get rid of the Living Hades. If you can't get rid of it, she has second-hand preparation.

She has liked to use her brain since she was a child. When a person's force is not strong enough to be invincible, she can only rely on a clever brain to outwit. Scarface has been operating on the mainland for such a long time, but still left some resources.

As long as she makes good use of it, it is not difficult to kill the living Hades.


This era is really scarce of materials, and there is no entertainment. Sheng Ning came out of the train station with Chen Huaying and others, and suddenly couldn't think of where to go?

There is no KFC, no Starbucks, no bar, and finally Lu Dabao suggested to go to the movies.

But Wu Youli wanted to watch a drama. I heard that the National Theatre had a new drama. She wanted to watch and learn.

Shengning can do it, Liu Yilan doesn't care, An An is curious, and she wants to go.

"Chen Huaying, do you want to go to a movie or a drama?"

"Are there any good movies?" Chen Huaying obviously wants to go to the movies.

Sheng Ning shook her head. The 1984 movie was like a past life to her, too far away. After rebirth, not to mention it was a movie, she had never watched a TV series.

"I heard that a Lushan love is very good. It has been out for a long time. I haven't been to see it yet. Otherwise, look at this!" Liu Yilan suggested.

"I also heard about it." Wu Youli nodded excitedly, "I heard that many people like it. My mother and my dad went to see it last time and we cried." She was most regretful that she had never had the opportunity to see Lushan Love in the army Things.

Liu Yilan shrugged towards Sheng Ning, with a touch of triumph in her eyes. It’s easy to solve the disagreements of everyone,

Sheng Ning smiled back.

The two of them have this kind of tacit understanding. With one look, one sentence can immediately understand the meaning.

"I also need to go."

"I support."

"I agree."

A consensus was reached, and a group of six people set off toward the cinema. There was no one at this time. When I arrived at Hou Shengning to buy tickets, Sheng Ning smiled when he looked at the decoration style of the cinema with period characteristics.

An An looked dazzled, "It's so beautiful! This light is so good."

"Have An An watched a movie before?" Liu Yilan stood beside her intimately, teasing the little girl all the way.

Everyone took care of An'an's feelings in unison, and all of a sudden the routine began to rush.

"I've seen it, I've seen it." An An's eyes were bright, "Occasionally there will be film projection teams in the county going to the countryside to show movies in our village."

Everyone is a soldier, and understand that the patriotism education films released in the county are definitely repeated, and many of them are repeated, even after watching dozens of times.

PS: 100 chapters will be updated on August 1st! I would like to thank all the friends who silently supported me, the following plot is more exciting. Please prepare a recommendation ticket, and vote for the monthly ticket as a reward! muah……

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