May The Peace Be With You In The Golden Age

Chapter 1001: Go to the city hall

There will be people grabbing her only a dozen dollars?

There are six of them, five of them are soldiers, and four of them are in military uniforms. Would anyone dare to **** them? Dare to grab the PLA? How bold is this!

Sheng Ning thought of the last time Dabao brother came, and silently sympathized with her for a minute.

There is an older brother who specializes in pitting his sister, and he suddenly feels sympathetic!

At the beginning of the movie, everyone went in and sat down in order. Lushan Lian is a very classic movie, and the poignant and moving love in it makes a few little girls intently watching.

Sheng Ning had seen Lushan Love many times and was not too interested. On the way here, she noticed that the city hall was not far from the cinema. With two hours of screening time, she can also find Su Hai.

Since I already owed the favor to the Su family this time, it was really a matter of constant scrutiny and chaos, unable to distinguish the relationship. In this case, she doesn't need to calculate too clearly.

Relatives and friends shouldn’t have calculated too clearly.

"I'll go to the city government to find Su Hai and have something to do. I'll be back in at most an hour. You watch the movie first, don't run around." Sheng Ning Chen Huaying in the seat on the right side confessed.

"Don't worry, it's okay to leave it to me."

"We are not kids." Dabao looked disgusted.

"Go, go."

Several people were busy watching the movie, and didn't even bother to take care of Sheng Ning. One by one, they thought she was in the way and drove people away.

"I'll stay with you!" Liu Yilan suggested.

"it is good!"

The two went out of the cinema together, and Liu Yilan whispered on the way: "In fact, I've seen Lushan Love."

"I guessed it." Sheng Ning smiled slyly, she didn't dare to say that she had actually seen it because it didn't make sense.

The city government building was not as majestic as later generations. The guard standing guard at the door saw Sheng Ning's military uniform and saluted him from a distance. Shengning replied solemnly.

"Hello Comrade, do you want to work or find someone?"

"I want to find Deputy Mayor Su Hai."

"Please show your ID."

Sheng Ning took out his ID from his pocket, wrapped the officer ID, ID card, etc. The above detailed address and troop number are all included. After the guard recorded it, he said: "Things must be held here before they can be returned to you."

"it is good."

"You come with me."

The guard brought the visitor into the building and handed it to a girl with a pair of pigtails, probably an office clerk.

"You wait, I will ask our director for instructions."

It's quite difficult to see the deputy mayor, and people sit on chairs in the lobby and wait patiently. If she knew it was so cumbersome, she would not come.

After waiting for about half an hour, Sheng Ning watched Sun Gu hurried over. He has now been promoted to the deputy mayor's office director, and he hurried over as soon as he heard that the visitor's name was Sheng Ning.

"This is the first time Comrade Sheng Ning has seen you. The deputy mayor is in a meeting. I will take you to his office and wait for a while."

Sheng Ning's eyebrows, the so-called "immediate" of the government department, don't know the year and month! She suffered a loss in her previous life, "You said immediately, is it one hour or two hours?"


"I have something to do and can't wait too long."

Gu Gu slapped her head, guessing that she might have misunderstood. "Ten minutes, ten minutes is fine." Even if it was one hour or two hours, he did not dare to let this grandma wait.

"That's OK!"

Secretary Sun took Sheng Ning to the office, and after the secretary poured tea, he came out to greet everyone in person. Especially the doorman, the next time this one comes, he will be put in directly. There is no need to check or seize the documents.

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