May You Return In Stardom

Chapter 1908: Huaxi, come here~

Ye Musheng sneered, "I'm really capable. I fought twice a week. Will I be dismissed from the school next week?!"

When Ye Zihan heard this, he looked up at Ye Musheng, "Dad, I..."

Ye Musheng turned his head to look at Ye Huaxi, "What Ye Ziyu said today is true. Why did Zihan fight?"

Hua Xi has never had any secrets to Ye Musheng. There is no way, the police chief's eyes are fiery, and she can't help it! If you lie a little bit, you will be found out, so Huaxi’s policy towards her father since she was a child is to tell the truth, so she crackles and tells the story of the school.

When it was finished, Ye Musheng had also stood up, "You bastard!"

He slapped Ye Zihan on the head with a slap.

Ye Zihan suddenly shrank his head, "Ah, Dad, why are you hitting me, Mom..."

"It's useless to call your mother! Today I have to take care of you, kid, you said, it's right for others to say that your sister is fighting back, but..."

"Yeah, people say my sister, of course, I can't just watch my sister being scolded. Both times are to protect my sister, so why did you beat me, dad?!" Ye Zihan covered his head, everywhere Running around, it's a pity that he couldn't hide from Ye Musheng's Wuzhi Mountain.

Ye Musheng sneered, "What kind of sister is that girl?! Are you related to him?! Ye Zihan, Ye Huaxi is your sister, you will remember it!"

Ye Zihan looked up, "But grandma said..."

"She's always confused, are you always confused?!"

This time Ye Musheng was really angry, and all these words were said, so that Hua Xi who was listening next to him was stunned.

Dad usually doesn't say anything bad about grandma, this time...

Hearing this, Ye Zihan raised his head awkwardly, "Dad, if you hit me again, I'll pass the words on to grandma!"

Ye Musheng sneered, "Yeah, now that you have the skills, you all know to threaten your father, but what did I say just now? Did you have evidence that I said? You don't have any evidence, so what kind of accusation are you going to sue?! Believe it or not, go and say it, and your grandma won't believe it!"

Ye Zihan looked at Hua Xi immediately, "Hua Xi, you heard, you help me testify!"

The bear child is too naive, thinking that he fell on the phone with Hua Xi, and he was punished to kneel together. Hua Xi would stand by his side? !

Ye Musheng looked over, and Hua Xi suddenly stood beside her father without saying anything, "I was wandering just now, so I didn't hear anything, ay, Zihan, dad, what are you talking about?"

Ye Zihan:...

Ye Musheng:... "My daughter is so good, continue to distract, wait until Dad finishes teaching this guy, I will talk to you again!"

Hua Xi:......! !

In the end, it was her own mother who rescued Ye Zihan. She broke two bowls of noodles and walked out of the kitchen. Ye Musheng immediately stopped. Ye Musheng wanted to sue, but Ye Musheng glared at him, but she didn't dare to say anything. said.

After Huaxi and Ye Zihan ate the noodles, they felt warm in their stomachs. The nanny cleaned up the dishes, and the four of them went to their room upstairs to rest.

The Ye family did not separate. In this villa, their rooms are still reserved, not guest rooms, but the master bedroom.

And his father, Ye Musheng, also has his own study upstairs. At the entrance of the aisle study, Ye Musheng suddenly called to Huaxi, "Hua Xi, come with me."

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