May You Return In Stardom

Chapter 1910: Huaxi is going on a blind date? !

After staying in Kyoto for a long time, they went to N City. In the end, they refused to listen to their grandparents, and forced themselves to apply for the Kyoto Film and Television University. They were even more disappointed in themselves.

Ye Huaxi is not surprised that her grandparents like Chunni more than she doesn’t like herself, and she doesn’t feel sad. It doesn’t matter if she is cold or content, she always feels that there is a limit to what she likes. , She has given most of her likes to the elder brother, and part of it to her parents and Ye Zihan, so it's just that her grandparents don't like her. She has no likes to share with them.

Hua Xi has someone she likes, and she just doesn't want to marry the so-called Lin family, so she said, "Since my grandparents have cultivated Ye Ziyu for so many years, let Ye Ziyu marry!"

But as soon as he said this, he saw a wry smile on Ye Musheng's face.

Hua Xi knew what she thought was too simple.

She looked at Ye Musheng.

Ye Musheng shook his head, "Hua Xi, do you... have anyone you like?"

Do you have someone you like?

Huaxi was taken aback for a moment, of course she did.

This kind of reaction made Ye Musheng understand, and Ye Musheng said, "So, who is your favorite, can you show it to Dad?"

Hua Xi opened her mouth and wanted to talk about her elder brother, but suddenly she remembered Fengfeng on QQ.

She suddenly closed her mouth, and didn't need to lie to her father, Hua Xi said honestly, "Dad, I haven't figured it out yet."

Such an answer made Ye Musheng feel very satisfied, "Yes, marriage is a lifelong event. Even if you are in a relationship in college, you must respect yourself and love yourself, and you must not easily identify someone, so you must think carefully."

Hua Xi:......! !

Didn't she not identify the other party, she was confused by herself?

But since Dad was like this, Hua Xi did not refute.

Ye Musheng paused, and then he said, "In fact, you didn’t go home back then, the Lin family would marry Ye Ziyu, this matter is forgotten, but when you come back, Lin’s parents will not do it. They think that since you I have already returned, so letting the Lin family marry a fake daughter is a kind of disrespect to them."

Huaxi suddenly raised her head, "But Dad, I don't like that person from the Lin family!"

Ye Musheng laughed when he heard this, and stretched out his big hand to touch Ye Huaxi's head, "I know, don't worry, Dad is not a pedantic person, and the elders of the two families are not unreasonable people. Now they are twenty For the first century, free love is popular in the new society. No one will force you."

Hearing this, Hua Xi breathed a sigh of relief, and then heard Ye Musheng's next sentence, "In fact, the two families have always had to maintain this marriage, but it also depends on the younger generation's own wishes, childhood sweethearts. The children who grew up together, just married like this is also Bibijian..."

"So now..." Seeing that Dad has been speaking in a roundabout way, Hua Xi asked directly.

What does dad mean~

Ye Musheng coughed, "That's it. Well, after the Lin parents heard about you, they discussed with your grandparents and told you to meet with the children of the Lin family to see if you have any destiny, anyway. You are still young, you can be friends first, and talk about things later."


Although Dad was very vague, Hua Xi still grasped the key to it all at once. Dad asked her to go on a... blind date? !

PS: The eighth change is over~ Shi Zi and Hua Xi are funny, not to be abused, rest assured~ ask for a ticket~

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