May You Return In Stardom

Chapter 1916: Hua Xi did not push me!

As soon as this word came out, everyone in the room changed their expressions.

Two people stood at the door behind a crystal curtain, and the people in the room could not see the outside.

When Lin Kan heard this, there was a touch of entanglement and distress in his eyes, but he still sat motionless.

Ye Musheng and Hua Xi’s mother were sitting there, waiting to see the final result.

This can be regarded as their test of Lin Kan.

If he couldn't even pass this test, then Lin Kan would be completely eliminated from Ye Musheng's eyes.

Lin Kan looked at the situation outside, stood up suddenly, and finally looked at Ye Huaxi, "Is this sister Huaxi? Look at me, just talk to grandma and grandpa, but forget our little princess. Yes, I am sorry for sister Huaxi, okay?"

As soon as these words came out, grandparents became more satisfied with Lin Kan.

But Ye Musheng frowned, obviously aware of the difference, Hua Xi's mother was innocently relieved.

Ye Zihan sat aside, from beginning to end, without saying a word. He didn't deal with the Lin family since he was a kid. He often fought when he was a child. Lin Kan was a few years old, so he often let him, so Ye Zihan still had a problem. On the contrary, Lin Kan's reputation for being sensible seems to be more general.

After Lin Kan said this, he walked to the door.

Hua Xi is not a ignorant person. Since Lin Kan said this, she should stay where she is, even if she is giving the other side a face.

But Ye Ziyu suddenly held her hand, "Hua Xi, don't go, don't go, listen to me, oh!"

Hua Xi was suddenly grabbed by Ye Ziyu, feeling very bad, and subconsciously threw it away.

But her strength was not as great as it could have been, but Ye Ziyu took advantage of the trend and rolled directly onto the steps below!

Because the steps at the entrance were not high, there were only a dozen floors, but Ye Ziyu still suffered a lot from falling down like this.

"Oh!" Ye Ziyu cried out in pain.

Several people in the room stood up awkwardly and walked directly to the door.

Lin Kan's footsteps were even more anxious. He took three steps and two steps, and went directly to the bottom of the steps. He immediately picked up Ye Ziyu and asked nervously, "What's the matter?"

And Ye Zihan also rushed out in a hurry, already walking up the steps, but in the end, he looked at Hua Xi.

Grandparents, Ye Musheng and Huaxi's mother all walked out.

Everyone looked at Huaxi together.

Ye Ziyu was still there and said, "It wasn't Huaxi who pushed me, but I accidentally fell down. It really is like this!"

When the grandparents heard this, they glared at Hua Xi fiercely, but because Lin Kan was in front of them, they didn't say anything, but Ye Musheng and Hua Xi's mother walked over and looked at Hua Xi nervously, "Are you okay? "

Hua Xi looked at them, took a deep breath, and then looked at Ye Ziyu, she saw her pitiful appearance, biting her lip, after receiving Hua Xi's gaze, she subconsciously pushed Lin Kan's arm "Brother Lin, let me go, I'm fine."

When she pushed Lin Kan so suddenly, Lin Kan let her go.

As soon as Ye Ziyu's legs touched the ground, she was short. Fortunately, Lin Kan grabbed her hand in time, otherwise Ye Ziyu would definitely fall to the ground!

Lin Kan frowned when he saw this picture.

On the other side, grandparents glanced at each other, but they all looked at Ye Zihan, "Zihan, you help your sister upstairs."

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