May You Return In Stardom

Chapter 1944: Go to the playground with Brother Shizi

Hua Xi patted her shoulder, "Don't worry, it must be no problem!"

Shirayuki nodded.

Back to the dormitory, Hua Xi went to bed and stared at the phone in a daze.

Bai Xue's words made her feel that if she really continued to contact Fengfeng, she was indeed sorry for her brother, so Hua Xi was cruel and responded directly.

[Fantastic Flower I: I'm sorry, it's not very convenient for me. 】

Can't see!

I am sorry for my brother!

Fengshi was in the dormitory and was taken aback when he saw this answer.

But immediately, I couldn't help laughing.

The little girl still knows how to protect herself!

People you know on the Internet will not meet easily? Even if I have known each other for five years, I still don't believe in myself!

Feng Shi shook his head helplessly, but still wanted to see it very much. If Hua Xi knew that she was the face of the peak, but she said that she couldn’t meet today, she couldn’t continue this topic today, otherwise the little girl would definitely be more vigilant. .

Feng Shi immediately changed the subject.

[Fengfeng: Well, I just finished my work, and I have to leave. I'll talk about it next time I have a chance. 】

When the news came over, Hua Xi felt relieved.

It turns out that she is real, and she doesn't really want to see each other!

Huaxi sighed again thinking about this.

Is she too cruel?

After hesitating, the phone remembered that it was a seclusion and asked her to go downstairs for dinner.

Hua Xi quickly jumped out of the bed, and with the elder brother, the peaks and the like, they all climbed to the country of Java!

This time, the two people ate in the cafeteria of the Kyoto Film and Television University. After eating, it was only six o'clock. They were walking on the playground, watching the red sun in the distance is about to set, and Huaxi had a feeling of peace and quiet. .

I have been strolling around the playground for an hour. After digestion, the two of them walked to the rostrum of the playground and sat there, doing nothing, just chatting casually, sometimes without even talking, they felt like staying together so quietly. well.

By the middle of the moon and looking at the time, it was already nine o'clock, and the world had to send Huaxi back to the dormitory.

They have been walking for a long time this time, and they have already reached the depths of the playground. They have to walk back to the dormitory. It is estimated that they will have to walk for an hour.

Hua Xi jumped up and laughed, and the number of lovers on the playground gradually increased. Taking advantage of the night, one by one quietly held hands and walked shyly.

Hua Xi looked at it and felt that these people were really bold. At this moment, a pair of warm hands suddenly took her.

Hua Xi's body became stiff, and she turned her head to see the big hands, holding her hands tightly.

Huaxi felt her heart beating fiercely, thumping and jumping!

Her cheeks were also burning and red, so she deliberately turned her head to the side and pretended to look far away.

Under the moonlight, she saw a couple standing there not far away. The woman didn’t know what she said. The man suddenly lowered his head and tapped her lips. The girl blushed shyly and stamped. He stamped his foot, then punched the boy, then turned around, strode and ran away, covering his face.

Hua Xi:...

Not suitable for children Not suitable for children!

Hua Xi quickly turned her head again, and a low laugh came from her ear.

She turned her head and saw the world’s smile, and immediately looked down at her feet. This time, won’t it be the same hands and feet again?

People always have to make progress, Hua Xi lowered his head to relieve himself, but what is the brother of the world laughing!

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