May You Return In Stardom

Chapter 1981: I won't tell sister-in-law, you blush

Hua Xi looked at Feng Shi Hehe and smirked, saying that it is impossible not to miss him. For such a long time, the two have not seen each other much.

It’s just that everyone’s way of expressing their feelings is more subtle, so Hua Xi didn’t know what she was going to do next, she took the initiative to grab the hand of the world, is it already the limit?

Feng Shi tilted his head and looked at Hua Xi's better appearance, his lips twitched slightly, he suddenly turned his head, lifted Hua Xi's hair with one hand, and bowed his head slightly, and the two immediately faced each other.

Hua Xi felt that she was nervous and even forgot to breathe, her chest was sore, she swallowed, her face that was so close at hand was so perfect, so perfect that it seemed to be forgotten. all.

Seeing Hua Xi's silly look, the corners of Fengshi's lips twitched again, stretched out her hand and touched her face, "Do you miss me?"

Hua Xi nodded, "I thought about it."

Feng Shi gave a hum, and then suddenly said, "Me too."

He too?

What is he?

Hua Xi couldn't react to what the other party was saying.

Reminiscing about the before and after, Hua Xi suddenly realized, ai? Brother Shizi, do you miss yourself?

Does he miss himself?

Hua Xi’s big eyes widened at once, making the world a little embarrassed, and the roots of his ears slowly turned red. Then, in order to hide his embarrassment, he grabbed the back of Hua Xi’s head and bowed his head. Go up kiss.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came in: "Ahem!"

When Huaxi and Fengshi stiffened, the two turned their heads at the same time, and they saw Feng Jiji sitting on the window, looking inside, "I made my noise to remind you that it is not suitable for children, and don’t do something wrong in front of me. Let me see things~"

Feudal:......! !

Hua Xi:……o(╯□╰)o

Feng Shi coughed, and Feng Jiji triumphantly raised his chin, "Tell you, I want to lock me out, why don't you think about it? Although I majored in forensic medicine, I am also a policeman. , Physical fitness is not bad~"


Feng Jiji smiled, "Brother, don't be so helpless, I won't tell my sister-in-law, you blush."

Hua Xi:......! !

Fengshi:...Can he throw this sister out?

Hua Xi also stood up all of a sudden and walked out, "I'm almost on the court, I'll go take a look."

Then walked over to open the door, and walked out.

Feng Jiji chuckled behind him, "Brother, my sister-in-law is shy! My sister-in-law is so cute!"

Hua Xi:......! !


After filming today's scene, I will pay the world money and invite the crew members to eat.

Everyone was very restrained. They didn’t dare to put down their chopsticks while sitting in the restaurant. They still raised their wine glasses and said to everyone on the scene: "We Huaxi has caused trouble for everyone. Please do well in the future. Take care of her!"

Zhong: ...Who would dare to put on little shoes for Hua Xi again? Everyone knows that without saying this!

Feng Shi invited everyone, but he didn't invite Lu Xi, and Lu Xi inevitably felt ugly in the hotel.

So Lu Xi called the person from the magazine, "Why haven't you published the subject matter for you today?"

The reporter on the opposite side laughed: "Don't worry, we have to post this slowly, we are sorting it out."

Lu Xi was relieved now.

But the Fengshi sitting in the restaurant suddenly received a call.

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