May You Return In Stardom

Chapter 1989: Remember to miss me anytime

It takes only four months to complete a semester, and Hua Xi also spent a month in filming, so in the blink of an eye, it was winter vacation.

Everyone packed their things and went home for the New Year.

The roommates are all happy, only Huaxi feels reluctant to leave.

Dad's work has not yet been transferred back to Kyoto, so she and Zizihan still have to go to N City to celebrate the New Year.


She is reluctant to part with her brother! woo woo woo woo……

Well, even though I think so, I feel very unfilial~

Even if I didn't give up, I had no choice but to pack my luggage, Feng Shi drove over to take her and Zi Zihan to the airport.

On the way, Ye Zihan closed his mouth very winkly, and sat in the back seat without speaking.

Hua Xi sat in the passenger seat and drove the world.

The black suit worn by the world today looks very handsome, stylish and mature.

Hua Xi's eyes were pocky.

Even if he didn't give up, the distance was limited, and he arrived at the airport soon.

Hua Xi grabbed the hand of the world, reluctant to let it go.

Ye Zihan next to him rolled his eyes to the sky: "It's OK, it's not impossible to see each other, is it necessary?"

Hua Xi glared at Ye Zihan ferociously, Ye Zihan felt fearless.

Feng Shi said lightly: "Don't you need to check in your luggage?"

Ye Zihan immediately led him and Hua Xi's luggage to check in dingy.

Hua Xi looked at him and sighed, "Brother Shizi, how did you make him so obedient?"

This rebellious child simply caused Hua Xi to have a headache, okay?

Feng Shi ignored this sentence, just reached out and buttoned Hua Xi’s clothes, and said casually like an old couple for many years: "Well, when you go to N City, remember to turn on the phone and you can give it to me at any time. When you call, I’m not allowed to call you, I’m not allowed to send messages to you, and I’m not allowed to reply, and...think about me more if you have anything to do."

The previous words are all okay, the last sentence made Hua Xi blush directly, and she nodded: "Good!"

Then he added, "Then you have to miss me more!"

Feng Shi smiled and nodded, "I will miss you all the time."

Hua Xi:……:-D

Why is the love words spoken by Brother Shizi so beautiful!

When the boarding time was up, Hua Xi looked back and said goodbye to Fengshi three times before getting on the plane.

When I got on the plane, my phone vibrated as soon as it was ready, and when I took it out, it was a text message from the world.

[Big Brother Shizi: I have begun to miss you]

The punctuation marks are very characteristic of him, but this content...why should it be so sensational~!

Hua Xi's face turned red all of a sudden, and she blushed back to me too, and then she shut down.

The plane took off and landed in N city two hours later.

Hua Xi couldn't wait to turn on the phone, and she received a secular text message.

[Shizi brother: Well, remember to keep it. 】

Hua Xi:...

Ye Musheng personally came to pick up the two people home. When she arrived home, Hua Xi held her mobile phone and entered the bedroom blushing, and started the first phone call with Fengshi.

When I finished the call, I saw Dad Ye's face pale, "I will not be allowed to use mobile phones at home in the future!"

Yaya, I have raised a girl for more than ten years. When I got home, I didn't make out with myself first, but went to call that stinky boy first. What's wrong with him? !

PS: Three changes are over~

Recommend friend Duhan’s new book "Marriage 1 Get 1: Domineering Husband Sweet Wife"

Recommend to my friend Ye Qingge's new book "The Chief Favor Gets Married: Fresh Wife, Don't Make Trouble!" 》

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