Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 478 : The timing of mom's attack is always perfect!

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"Is it really okay to participate in that kind of match with a half-hearted mood?" Jiang Cheng, who was still sitting cross-legged at the door, looked at Qingming who stepped out of the door and walked towards the front yard step by step, and reminded lightly, "Although I don't quite understand what you Onmyoji are, but according to what you said, you who spread your power to all parts of Edo, you will really die if you go to participate in that kind of match."

"And that ex-husband, although I don't know what's going on, but even an ordinary person like me can feel that he has become much stronger than when I first saw him, and he is also much stronger than you now...Even so, do you want to go?"

Qingming didn't reply, and didn't even slow down her pace at all, she just raised her hand slightly to greet behind her.


Not long after Seimei left, Uedao Maru, Shin Hachi and Kagura walked over. Several people moved to the reception room on the side.

Jiang Cheng was lying on his side on the floor, propping his head with one hand as if he was closing his eyes and resting his mind, but whether he was really just closing his eyes and resting his mind, only he himself knew.

"Will the rain...will it stop..." Yinshi, who was sitting cross-legged under the eaves of the door, looked at the dark sky and the rain that never stopped, and said softly.

"Who knows, unfortunately I can't read the Dao of Heaven." Wai Dao Wan, who was kneeling at the table in the room, said casually while eating the senbei, "But there is only one thing that can be expected, and that is Master Qingming will die. Daoman is stronger than before, and the curse mark engraved on his face is probably borrowed from the evil way to defeat Master Qingming."

"Wait," Jiang Cheng, who was lying on the floor with his back on his side, said without raising his head, "That curse mark is different from the first time I saw him. What's going on?"

"It's really different, or it's not the same thing at all." Waidoumaru explained slowly, "As I said before, the two have never opened their hearts after they got married, and they haven't even held hands. For Doman who has no love experience, if he wants to ease the relationship between husband and wife and make the relationship go further, he can only choose other methods. The curse seal that Mr. Jiang Cheng saw before is a spell that has been passed down from the Mirino family's ancestors to increase the charm of men a little bit, but it has no effect at all."

"You're really an idiot," Jiang Cheng twitched the corners of his lips in disdain, "Chasing women relies on such crooked things."

"But... relying on these crooked ways, the current Doman is much stronger than Seimei-sama who sent many shikigami to protect Edo and his power was dispersed." Heidoumaru continued to himself, "It is still possible to concentrate the power in one place, but Seimei-sama's position does not allow it.

In his current state, there is absolutely no way to win the current Daoman. "

"Will the situation change if we go?" Yin Shi asked without looking back.

"That depends on whether this "we" includes Mr. Jiang Cheng..."

"I have nothing to do with them, and I don't want to be involved in this kind of thing. I'm not a fan of the flat-chested girl, and I don't want to marry into this family." Jiang Cheng waved his hand casually and replied, "You should know the reason for my stay here, and I won't go back until I figure it out. If you understand, please be kind and tell me.

"Master Jiang Cheng, all I can say is that some things are meaningless if you don't recall them yourself." Waidaomaru replied, "That existence is also entangled, between seeing you and not seeing you. And...the time of that existence is running out."

"Really," Jiang Cheng sat up, scratching his hair a little irritably, "Troublesome things come one after another. It's really annoying. After hearing such words, I care more about them. Even if I want to say things like let's go back, I won't be able to say it. Besides, isn't it the existence in your mouth that took away my memory? Let others forget it without authorization, and want others to remember it without authorization. He is really a guy that people can't like..."

"Little uncle, have you been missed by the woman who used to be Aru again?" Kagura asked curiously.

"Don't be silly," Jiang Cheng waved his hand and replied casually, "No matter how I say it, it's impossible to find that kind of existence that can't tell whether it's a human or a monster to do things that are too early for you in various senses."

"No, doesn't Jiang Chengsang only need to be beautiful and have a European style?" Xin Baji pushed his glasses and said expressionlessly.

"Virgin kid, don't talk like you understand adults' things very well, you are obviously a virgin." Jiang Cheng twitched his lips in disdain.

"Hey! It's too much! Jiang Chengsang!" Xin Baji expressed his dissatisfaction with his veins popping.

Jiang Cheng snorted softly and continued, "Well, forget it, since the other party wants me to recall it first, I have no choice but to work harder to find clues, ZZZ..."

"Hey——!! You said you worked hard, but you fell asleep in the blink of an eye, hey!" Xin Baji complained frantically, "You really worked hard!"

"It's not like that," Jiang Cheng opened his eyes and defended, "I just thought that there might be some clues in the dream."

"Who would believe it!!"


"Then... Lord Gintoki, kindly remind me." Gaidou Maru glanced at Gintoki lightly, and reminded lightly: "Don't get involved in this matter any more. Do you know why I was sent by Master Christ? It was just to stop you, I was ordered not to let you take risks, and your lives are the top priority in all actions."

"Why is this so!" Xin Baji on the side became anxious in an instant, "Are you just refusing to save Qingming-san like this? Aren't we the only ones who can fight together?"

"Do you know who is the saddest person if the sister-in-law dies, Bobotou!" Kagami shouted angrily, "You don't care even if the anchor of Yuye is crying, Alu?!"

"Hmph..." Gintoki stood up at some point, with his right hand in his kimono pocket, and walked unhurriedly towards the main entrance. At the same time, he hummed softly, "You didn't regard me as your master from the beginning, right? Well, it doesn't matter. I'm not used to ordering others anyway. Now I just regained my freedom."

As soon as Yinshi finished speaking, he was stopped by Waidaowan who came to him in the blink of an eye.

"Boom!" There was a loud bang, and it was the sound of Waidoumaru's mace hitting the floor in front of Gintoki.

"You, a person who can't even summon shikigami, will only increase the rain of blood if you go." Waidoumaru looked at Gintoki's Ren with cold eyes, and reminded him coldly.

"What's the matter?" Yinshi's tone was unexpectedly relaxed, "Anyway, it's this kind of weather. It doesn't matter if you get wet with blood or rain. It doesn't matter whether it's spring rain or autumn rain. It doesn't matter if it's raining blood... I'll keep moving forward if I get wet, but... I don't want to get wet with a woman's tears..."

Looking at Gintoki's expression that never changed, Waidoumaru took the mace back and put it behind his back again.

"Didn't I say that?" Gaidoumaru's expression softened slightly, "Shikigami will always look at the master, and I have been waiting for your words. Gintoki-sama, I admit you, you are my other master. From now on, no matter what kind of danger your life encounters, I will protect you. No matter what kind of bullets and bullets, I will guard with you. So, Gintoki-sama, can you please help Master Christ with me?"

After sighing softly, Gintoki scratched his natural curly hair that was still dry even when it rained, "I will do it without you telling me, but in exchange, don't play the master-servant game again, it's really troublesome."

Saying that, Gintoki stretched out his index finger and pointed at Waidaomaru, "Also, don't keep calling Gintoki-sama anymore. It's called She..."

"Asshole, fool, idiot, asshole, brainless fan, you can just roll it naturally." Jiang Cheng, who was leaning against the door, took the words, "This is his favorite name."

"Hey! I'll kill you!" Yin Shi instantly cursed with his eyes popping out of his veins.

"That's it, I see." Uedoumaru nodded, and called out to Gintoki very kindly, "You bastard, stupid, bastard, bastard, brainless fan. Please take care of me from now on."

"Hey, do you want to be slaughtered by me too?! Call me the president!"

"Hi, I see." Waidou Maru nodded, "You idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, the president of natural roll. Please take care of me."

"There is no difference at all!!!"


On the other side, Seimei has arrived at the indoor arena prepared by Daoman for the Shikigami 3V3 spell deathmatch.

"Are you here? Qingming." Standing on the ring, Daoman looked at Qingming who was walking towards this side step by step, and sneered, "You are really confident when you are alone."

"It's enough for me alone," Qingming stopped, raised his head and looked at Daoman on the ring without squinting, "It's as simple as that."

"Hmph, you're not ashamed to speak out." Daoman snorted disdainfully, not paying attention to Qingming at all.

"Daoman, you said that if I win, I won't take any more shots against Christel!"

"The Sili wild people are different from you, and will abide by the agreement." After speaking, Daoman's voice suddenly became quieter, and the expression on his face also calmed down, "Qingming, the weather battle is almost about to be decided, but do you know why I specially asked you to fight?!"

Daoman's expression suddenly became fierce, and at the same time Daoman opened his hands, and two thick, dark red ominous mantras stretched out from Daoman's arms, and rushed towards Qingming at a high speed.

Before Qingming had time to react, his throat was locked by these two ominous spells and he was lifted into the air.

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