Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 496: The more trivial things are, the more you will find that everyone is different but simi

Jiang Cheng sat cross-legged in front of the TV that was turned on, with his left hand on his lap and his chin propped on the palm of his right hand. Although his eyes were fixed on the TV, his legs were shaking up and down non-stop.

【Ah, I accidentally lent him the toilet...】Jiang Cheng thought a little irritably, then glanced at the neatly folded long gown, 【What should I do? How about sneaking a try now while no one is watching? But... what if he finishes using the toilet at this time? Wouldn't it be embarrassing to come out and see it? 】

【No! no! 】Jiang Cheng shook his head, 【Not now! Ninjas are fast! It must be the same whether it is shitting or doing other things! If you try it on now, the chance that he will find it if he suddenly opens the door and walks out is more than 99%! So no! endure! I must be patient! Just wait for him to finish pulling away! come on! Jiang Cheng! you can! It's only a few minutes at most! If it is constipation, it will take half an hour at most! The possibility of more than half an hour is very small! It is impossible for ordinary people to be constipated to the extent that they cannot get out for more than half an hour! 】

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng clasped his hands and nodded self-consciously, and the restlessness on his body was put away.

Then, an hour passed...

[Isn't it alright? ! 】Jiang Cheng thought a little frantically, 【It's been too long! It's constipation, it's confirmed now! It's definitely constipation! But is it too long? An hour is too long! What a big lump it is! Can't come out? If you can't get out, forget it! This kind of thing can't be forced! 】

【Eh... wait a minute! 】Jiang Cheng suddenly thought of something again, 【Wait, wait, wait! Isn't this...isn't this an opportunity? ! If the constipation still takes a long time, can't I take advantage of this time to try on the clothes that sister Jiang Hua sewed for me? 】

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng's expression brightened.

【Good time! Constipation comes well! It doesn't matter if you just pull it all night! Take advantage of this period of time to try it on casually! 】

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Cheng turned his head and glanced at the bathroom, which was still lit, before reaching out and carefully picking up the gown beside him.

But just when Jiang Cheng was about to take off his clothes, he suddenly thought of something.

【No! no! At this time, no one can be sure whether Mr. Poop will squeeze out of that kind of dirty door in the next moment! Because I can't stand the possibility of squeezing myself out of that dirty door for an hour is almost 90%! 】

【no! Not yet! Absolutely not! 】Jiang Cheng put down the long gown in his hand again, clenched his fists with a look of unbearable expression, 【Now Mr. Bian wants to liberate himself very strongly! It could be at any have to wait a little longer! soon! That's what Mr. Poop said! It will be out soon! 】

Then, another hour later...

boom! !

[Mr. Poop——! ! 】

Jiang Cheng slammed his head on the table heavily, then raised his head, revealing his bloody forehead, staring at his big bloodshot eyes, panting heavily, gnashing his teeth in his heart.

[What's going on with you? ! What do you think! Why don't you come out yet! Normally, no matter what kind of constipation has been resolved within two hours, right? Are you so overwhelmed? Natural roll are you? ! How stubborn are you! It's okay to go down normally, right? It's just as smooth as smooth straight hair! If it doesn't work, go to the barber shop and get straight again! ! 】

[And...] Jiang Cheng clenched his fist again,

[The situation is getting worse now, after all, it has been two hours, Mr. Poop, who has straight hair and iron perm, may be finished at any time, and Quan Zang, who may be finished wiping his ass, flushing the toilet and opening the door at any time, is terrible! Really bad! In this situation, it is absolutely impossible to try it on lightly! There is a possibility of being discovered at any time! 】

【……No! Wait! 】Jiang Cheng suddenly raised his hand and knocked, 【Wait, wait! correct! flush! It takes at least ten seconds for the flush to start and finish! Can't you just take off your clothes immediately when you hear the sound of water? ! Ten seconds may be short, but it is enough to take off a piece of clothing! 】

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng once again picked up the gown beside him, but when Jiang Cheng just took off his kimono and was about to change into the gown, he suddenly thought of something, his pupils shrank for an instant, and at the same time he stopped his movements.

【wrong! Totally wrong! It is true that I am not used to automatic toilets, so I use ordinary flush toilets. It is true that it takes about ten seconds to flush each time...but! What kind of person is Quan Zang? Is it the type that starts to wipe the butt after pressing the flush button, or the type that just presses the flush button and walks out after wiping the pants? If it is the former, there may be a buffer time of ten seconds or even longer, but the latter... not good! It's really bad! 】

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng hammered his leg heavily, 【How can it be repaired! Should have asked him before he went in! It's hard to talk about this kind of thing now! Mr. Poop! Tell me the answer quickly! 】

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of flushing from the bathroom.

[Is it finally over...] Jiang Cheng finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, 【Great, although it took a long time, Mr. Poop finally figured it out. You have worked very hard, Mr. Poop. Although you may have been a little procrastinated, you finally came out relying on your own efforts. I will always remember you, Mr. Poop... Then, just wait patiently for Quan Zang to leave. He didn’t come out directly to explain that he started to wipe after pressing the flush button. , the average person probably only takes about half a minute, yo, calm down and wait patiently! Immediately... Immediately! 】

So, another hour passed...

[Is your cleanliness a little too serious! All hidden! 】Jiang Cheng slammed his head on the low table in front of him again,【Why can you wipe it for an hour! It's too strong! Does your anus really matter? Don't you have hemorrhoids? ! Even if you wipe it with high-end toilet paper for an hour, you can't stand it, right? ! There will definitely be blood, right? No matter how lush the butt hair is, I can't stand it! Please forgive me...there is almost no time...]

At this time, the sound of flushing came from the direction of the bathroom again.

【Isn't it finished yet? ! 】Jiang Cheng hugged his head and thought frantically, 【It's even divided twice, how much stuff have you saved! How long has it been since you pulled it? a month? ! Forget it, it should come out this time! absolute! 】

So, another hour passed...

[Hey - don't be kidding, how can anyone do it three times in a row! 】Jiang Cheng stared at his big red eyes, panting heavily, 【Is it alright? Already ready! How long did it take you to get up to go to the toilet? Is my toilet okay? This situation will definitely be blocked, right? Get out of here quickly! All hidden! ! 】

While thinking, Jiang Cheng raised his eyes and glanced at the clock on the wall. The hour hand of the clock was almost at twelve o'clock, and the minute hand was staying at fifty-five minutes.

[There are only five minutes left! Hurry up! 】Jiang Cheng thought in a broken heart.

At this moment, the sound of flushing came from the toilet again.

[It will definitely come out this time, right? Surely it will? Already the third time! It will definitely come out, right? After all, three times is already the limit, right? Has it been four hours? Is that enough? ! Get out of here quickly! ! 】

So... two minutes later...

[I can't bear it anymore! 】While thinking about it, Jiang Cheng got up angrily and went to the door of the bathroom, stretched out his hand and said that the door of the whole bathroom was pulled down.

"Can you give me enough... huh?"

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng suddenly froze for a moment, and saw Quan Zang lying on the ground with his butt pouted, whose blood was still bleeding from a certain part. Quan Zang's entire face had lost all color, and his body was still twitching.

"I...I knew you would notice..." Quan Zang's voice was so low that if he didn't bring it close to his mouth, he couldn't hear anything, "'s too late, I don't even have the energy to press the flush button..."

Only then did Jiang Cheng notice that Quan Zang's hand was still reaching for the flush button of the toilet.

"Hey! Hold on!" Jiang Cheng quickly helped Quan Zang up, and shouted.

However, Quan Zang had completely passed out due to excessive blood loss and the pain of hemorrhoids.

After glancing at the clock on the wall that was only a few seconds away from twelve o'clock, Jiang Cheng gritted his teeth, a look of unbearable flashed across his face, then lifted his foot, supported Quan Zang, opened the door and walked out.

Yue Yong, who was walking towards her room in the corridor just after the patrol, was startled by Jiang Cheng, who was holding his buttocks and still bleeding Quan Zang, hurriedly walking towards him.

"Hey, what's the situation?" Yue Yong asked Jiang Cheng who had just passed in front of her.

"Ghost knows," Jiang Cheng replied without turning his head, "It's probably caused by hemorrhoids. I'll take him to the hospital."

After being silent for a long time, Yue Yong finally spoke slowly.

"Next careful."


At 12:30 in the middle of the night, Jiang Cheng sat on the bench outside the rescue room of Oedo Hospital, looked down at the message from Jiang Hua on the communicator in the afternoon, and remained silent.

"Jiang Cheng-chan, happy birthday~ Have you received the clothes yet? Remember to wear them today and send a photo to my sister~"

"Sister Jiang Hua, even if it was October 9th yesterday, it still can't be considered my birthday..." Jiang Cheng lowered his head and sighed softly, then raised his head and sighed softly, "After all, it's Miss Conch model... So, it doesn't matter if you don't have your birthday, right?"

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