Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1004 Bastard! why you!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The next morning, Ning Xi got up early, put on a new men's suit she had just bought, boiled a pot of delicious seafood porridge, put it in a thermos bucket, and took it to the dealer to visit the sick.

At No. 7 Chang'an Road, the guard saw that the visitor was a strange young man dressed in avant-garde fashion, and was very vigilant. He called the dealer for confirmation before letting Ning Xi in suspiciously.

After arriving, a servant led Ning Xi upstairs.

Zhuang Ke'er had almost no friends, let alone someone of the opposite sex, and he was such a handsome young man, so the servants were very curious and secretly looked at Ning Xi several times along the way.

"The eldest lady's room is here!" The nanny led her to Zhuang Ke'er's door.


"Is it Xiao Xi? Come in!" Zhuang Keer's hurried voice came from the bedroom.

As soon as Ning Xi entered, she saw Zhuang Ke'er was busy walking around, and couldn't help asking, "Ke'er, what are you doing?"

"I didn't expect you to come here so early, I haven't had time to make up and change my clothes!" Zhuang Ke'er looked anxious.

Ning Xi helplessly helped her lie down on the bed again, "My eldest miss, you are already beautiful like this!"

"Brother Xi, you're wearing men's clothing today..." Zhuang Keer noticed Ning Xi's attire, her eyes sparkled, and she even changed her address on her own initiative.

Ning Xi teased with a light smile, "That's right! I promised you that you will have a chance to meet your male god anytime in the future, right?

"Besides, seeing a handsome guy is conducive to physical and mental happiness and recovery!" Ning Xi said, opening the thermos bucket she brought over, "I came here early to bring you a breakfast. I guess you don't have an appetite for other things, so I cooked seafood porridge for you! Try it!"

"Thank you!" Zhuang Ke'er didn't expect Ning Xi to be so careful, and was so moved that she didn't know what to do.

"Don't thank me! If you want to thank me, I should thank you!"

Ning Xi is a character who always pays back every grudge, and repays her kindness a thousand times over. The most unbearable thing is when someone treats her well. If someone treats her sincerely, they will repay her wholeheartedly, let alone doing such a small thing.

"Is it delicious?" Ning Xi fed it mouthful.

Zhuang Ke'er still couldn't get enough of it after eating half of the bucket, "Yeah, it's delicious, brother Xi, how did you make it? The porridge made at home has no taste at all, but yours smells so good!"

"If you want to learn, I can teach you next time!"


"Both Mr. Zhuang and Mr. Zhuang are not at home today?"

"Grandpa is in the nursing home, my father is in the army these days, and my mother is away all the year round, so I am the only one at home! Oh no, my brother is also there. He seemed to fight with someone again last night. Fortunately, my father is not here these two days, otherwise I will find out..."

Zhuang Keer was talking to Ning Xi, when there was a "bang", the door was rudely pushed open.

Outside the door, Zhuang Rongguang stood there with a face like a pig's head, "Sister! You..."

Before the words were spoken, Zhuang Rongguang's pig-headed face became even more contorted, with a look of hell, and then he flew into a rage, staring at Ning Xi and roaring, "Damn it! You bastard! Why are you!"

Seeing this, Zhuang Keer immediately frowned, "Rong Guang, don't be so rude!"

"Sister, why is this guy in our house? What's the relationship between you two? What's going on?" Zhuang Rongguang felt like he was going crazy, like he was having a nightmare.

Why did this guy show up at his house early in the morning and sit on his sister's bed! grass!

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