Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1013 The dealer's blood

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"If you don't tell me clearly, I can't stand it!" Zhuang Zongren said urgently.

Zhuang Liaoyuan could only focus on the key points and explain to the old man, "The one you saw last time is actually not Lingyu's biological daughter, but her adopted daughter. Lingyu's daughter had a wrong hug when she was in the hospital. I didn't find out until the child was eighteen..."

"So, the child who saved me is Lingyu's biological daughter?"


"I remember that it was a very important occasion, why did she bring an adopted daughter to attend instead of Xiao Xi?" Zhuang Liaoyuan pondered.

"This... After Xiao Xizhong was picked up, a lot of things happened, probably because she grew up in the countryside for the past 18 years, she didn't adapt to life in the city, and she didn't understand social etiquette, so she made some inappropriate actions on some occasions...

Probably because of this, Lingyu has always disliked her, and later sent her to study abroad. The child did not return to China until last year after graduation. It seems that the child is not ready to associate with the Ning family, and has always been working alone...

These years, Lingyu still claimed that Ning Xueluo was her biological daughter, but Ning Xi was considered by everyone to be an adopted daughter from the countryside..."

Zhuang Zongren clutched his chest and was so angry that he almost fell ill, "Nizi! That's her own flesh and blood! How can you be so cruel! Don't you even recognize your own daughter just because you lost her face?"

"It's not that you don't know Lingyu's temperament. She values ​​her face the most, especially after marrying Ning Yaohua. She seems to want to fight us to prove that her original choice was right. She can't tolerate any flaws in her body..."

Zhuang Zongren waved his hands wearily, "Forget it, so many years have passed, I have long since lost this daughter, but... I suffered from that innocent child..."

"That child is motivated, works very hard, has a unique vision at a young age, and opened a clothing studio. She gave the dress that was praised by the guests at the Ke'er state banquet last time!" Zhuang Liaoyuan comforted.

Zhuang Zongren's face softened a little, and then his tone became a little excited, "I said how this child has such a high shooting talent. It turns out that he is really the blood of my dealer. They say that his nephew is like an uncle, which is absolutely true... But, this child's shooting talent is so high, it's a pity not to join the army! Have you talked to her?"

Zhuang Liaoyuan knew that he was going to bring this up, so he said helplessly, "Dad, don't think about it, I've talked about it a long time ago, the child has something he wants to do."

What's more...someone will never agree...


Recently, Ning Xi spent most of her time in the studio.

Because Zeling was in some trouble.

Now Zeling's business is getting bigger and bigger, its departments are getting more and more detailed, and its employees are getting more and more. At present, a complete industrial chain has been formed.

The tree attracts the wind. Seeing that Zeling is becoming more and more popular, some people are jealous, especially History, who regards Zeling as a thorn in his side.

Since the last fashion show, Dai Wei has been asking who Zeling's designer is. However, because Gong Shangze has an independent creative space, which is separate from the company, so even Zeling's staff, except for core personnel like Han Momo and Qiao Weilan, almost no one has seen him.

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