Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1034 It's Just Soy Sauce

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

When Yan Ruyi said this, she paused, looked at her husband and said, "Could it be that all of this is really just a coincidence? In the past five years, the situation of Tingxiao and Xiaobao has not changed in the slightest, but this woman began to change as soon as she appeared?"

Lu Chongshan frowned when he heard that, "What exactly do you want to say?"

"I thought of the horoscope that Master Xuanjing calculated for Ning Xi back then! Luck is unparalleled, a husband prospers a family, a life of many children and blessings! Now it has really been fulfilled step by step!" Yan Ruyi said a little excitedly.

Lu Chongshan was stunned for a moment, "I told you not to believe these things!"

Although he said so in his mouth, Lu Chongshan's face was slightly lost in thought...



In the evening, Ning Xi invited Gong Shangze, Han Momo and Qiao Weilan to have a meal together, which was a celebration.

After returning to the apartment, after taking a shower, Ning Xi was in a good mood and took out a velvet bunny-style one-piece pajamas to put on. Then, she sat cross-legged on the bed and began to settle accounts.

Recently, the profit of the studio has been very impressive, the figure has exceeded 10 million. Compared to ordinary people, she is now considered a little rich woman!

Ning Xi planned that she should be able to buy a small villa...

Although the place where she lives is very privacy-friendly, it is a place arranged by the company after all. There are quite a lot of people who know that she lives here. It is inconvenient for Lu Tingxiao to come here, so it is better to buy another house by himself.

It can be regarded as... I have a nest of my own...

Whether it was the small run-down house arranged by Xinghui Entertainment or the high-end apartment building arranged by Shengshi Entertainment, it was not her own place after all.

Of course, the most important point is that it is convenient for her to hide in the golden house~

After careful planning, Ning Xi has basically put the matter of buying a house on the agenda, and is going to go back and ask Lu Tingxiao for his opinion, to see what he likes, of course, and Xiaobao...

Seeing that it was still early, Ning Xi was going to make love bento for Xiao Baozi, but when she walked to the kitchen, she remembered that the soy sauce was gone, and she forgot to buy it last time.

So, I took off my apron and went to buy soy sauce first.

Because the convenience store was not far downstairs, Ning Xi didn't change her clothes, and went downstairs with the change and keys.

"Boss! Bring me a bottle of soy sauce!" Ning Xi lay down on the counter and put the change on it.

"Hey, okay!" Inside the convenience store, a woman in her 40s or 50s handed a bottle of soy sauce to Ning Xi, and at the same time looked her up and down with a displeased expression, "It's so late, why did your mother let a little girl like you come out to buy soy sauce?"

"Uh..." Ning Xi was sweating when she heard the words, "It's okay boss, my house is close!"

Ning Xi was wearing ponytails and cartoon one-piece pajamas at the moment. She looked like a 17 or 18-year-old minor. No wonder the boss misunderstood her.

"You can't get close, you are such a juicy little girl, what will you do if you meet a bad guy! Next time, you can't come out alone at night!" The proprietress reminded.

Ning Xi nodded repeatedly, "Got it, thank you sister~"

The proprietress was amused by Ning Xi's sister, and gave her another colorful lollipop, "Take it and eat it!"

So, holding a bottle of soy sauce she just bought in her hand and a lollipop from the proprietress in her mouth, Ning Xi happily hopped towards the house...

Just thinking about what to make delicious for Xiao Baozi later, a person appeared in front of him without warning.

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