Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1038 Is this going to scare her to death?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The woman's footsteps became farther and farther away until they disappeared.

The whole house was silent, without a single sound, and if she moved her body a little, the extremely tiny sound would be amplified infinitely, playing back in her ears horribly.

It was already so scary when they were alone, and it was torture for her to be alone!

Ning Xi took a deep breath and recited from the Great Compassion Mantra to the Purity Mantra to the Diamond Sutra to the core values ​​of socialism, and then looked around the room to distract herself.

In this room, there is only a white candle lit on the dressing table. The light is even dimmer. It can be seen that the overall style of the interior is the same as that of the outside. The only difference is that it is more eerie. Moreover, she found that this room is very large. Judging from the structure and layout, it should be the master bedroom...

Master bedroom! ! !

Thinking of this, Ning Xi, who was standing at the door watching, jumped away from the door and hid far away in the corner.

Didn't the legendary woman who committed suicide hang herself at the door of the master bedroom?

Right on the beam where she was just standing! ! !

She finally knew about their plot, and she was going to scare her to death!

Some things cannot be overcome in a lifetime, such as Ning Xi's fear of ghosts.

When she was still with her adoptive parents when she was a child, her grandmother was patriarchal and tried to throw her away many times. One of them was to take her to a mass grave and leave her alone.

She stayed there alone for two full days and two nights...

She still dare not recall the situation at that time.

This also caused her to still be afraid of ghosts when she grew up. Even though she knew that it was just something illusory, she just couldn't overcome it, and she never watched any movies related to ghosts.

Ning Xi took a deep breath, calmed down, and tried to untie the rope on her wrist, but the other party used a professional method, and the material of the rope was very special, so she couldn't untie it at all. She dragged her weak legs and looked around the room. The only door and window were all locked and sealed.

Through the mirror on the dressing table, Ning Xi saw a pale and pale face. It was her own face, like a funeral object buried deep in a gloomy tomb...

Now she doesn't even have the energy to think about Feng Jin's intention to lock herself here...

In the whole room, the only place that made her feel better was probably the bed.

Ning Xi's feet were so weak that she could hardly even walk, she slowly moved to the bed, then hugged a pillow and curled herself up into a ball.

Time passed bit by bit.

No one came, and there was no sound at all.

It was so silent that it was as if she was the only living person left in the whole world.

Until, even the candles on the dressing table were burned out and extinguished.

The room went dark.

The tense thread on Ning Xi's body seemed to be broken too, and the things in her mind that had been suppressed in the deepest part of her mind rushed out like ferocious beasts in the darkness...

The little girl, her little hand was loosened mercilessly, she waited and waited on the spot, and all she waited for was the howling of terrifying beasts from the forest...

She ran and ran, but she tripped all of a sudden. When she looked down, she saw a white leg bone...

She was lost in the forest full of corpses and graves, waiting from night to day, and from day to night, waiting for no one...

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