Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1042 Meet again

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"It came too soon... just right, I think he's thinking too hard!"

The silver-haired man looked at the privately armed helicopters roaring outside the window, snorted coldly, his eyes were filled with almost morbid excitement, and then walked straight out the door, completely forgetting Ning Xi.

Tang Ye also followed closely. Before leaving, he turned around and glanced at Ning Xi with an indescribable look.

He had heard about Lu Tingxiao's private armed force, but he dared to use his private armed force directly at the foot of the Emperor of the Imperial Capital just because of a woman...

"Hey! Don't! Don't go! Eldest brother, don't go! If you want to keep locking me up, go ahead! But at least let a girl come in to accompany me for a while! I know that people are afraid of ghosts and say..."

Before Ning Xi could finish her sentence, the door slammed shut again.

These beasts! ! !

Especially that guy Yun Shen, what the hell, he ran so fast as soon as he heard that Lu Tingxiao was coming, and just left me in this damn place, you two just go live!

I don't know if it was because of Lu Tingxiao's arrival. Although she was the only one left in the room at the moment, she didn't seem to be afraid for some reason. She hurried to the French windows, lay on the window and looked outside...

It's a pity that the light was too dim, I could only see a lot of helicopters circling overhead, and I couldn't see the specific situation clearly, let alone where Lu Tingxiao was!

No, we must find a way to get out!

What if that fellow Feng Jin comes up with another bad idea!

Ning Xi thought and hurriedly searched the house again, but after searching for a long time, she really didn't have anything to hand. Her hands were tied and she couldn't lift something too big, so she could only slam into the window with all her strength, trying to break it...

In the end, the window didn't know what kind of material it was made of, it was so hard that her bones were almost shattered and she didn't move at all.



At the same time, in a grassy yard downstairs.

Among the helicopters circling overhead, one of them slowly landed on the ground, and then stopped in an open space in the middle.

First, a group of heavily armed men came down quickly from the helicopter, and finally, a man with a cold face and a black suit got off the plane, walked from the middle of the armed lineup, step by step to the spooky house in the middle.

At this moment, the front of the ghost house was also fully armed. In the short time when Lu Tingxiao was surrounded, there were already more than a dozen people gathered in front of the house. However, compared to Lu Tingxiao's strict attitude, the ghost house was loose.

The door of the haunted house opened suddenly, and a silver-haired man came out of the house.

After seeing the silver-haired man, those who were leaning or leaning loosely and carelessly suddenly looked a little more solemn, and their attitude was very respectful, and they took the initiative to part ways.

Two men, one cold as ice, the other evil and ghostly, walked towards each other step by step.

Following the footsteps of the two, the subordinates on both sides looked tense, ready to fight at any time.

Finally, the two stopped ten steps away from each other, their eyes met with a "boom" in the air, as if they had knocked out gunpowder smoke.

The silver-haired man pursed his lips, his scarlet eyes were filled with flames, and he looked at the man not far away, his face even more bloodthirsty, "We meet again."

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