Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1047 Who dares to touch a hair of her

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Looking at Ning Xi who was running towards Lu Tingxiao, and the two embracing each other, the silver-haired man's face was frozen with cold.

Feng Jin walked up to the man clutching his shot wrist, and hurriedly said, "Satan, Tang Xi, it's fine if he stays this time, but this person is ungrateful and heartless, and doesn't take you seriously. This kind of woman, why should you..."

The man gave him a cold look, "I just like her being ungrateful, wolf-hearted, and ignoring me, do you have any objections?"

Feng Jin: "..."

Seeing that Lu Tingxiao had led his people away and his last chance was gone, Feng Jin gritted his teeth with a pale face, "Satan! That woman will destroy you!"

"Heh, a woman can destroy me. Why don't I let you take my place?" The man's face was instantly filled with murderous intent.

Feng Jin lowered his head, "Don't dare!"

The man snorted coldly, "This time it's for Uncle Qiao's sake. If there is another time, where did you come from and where are you going back?"

Hearing this, Feng Jin's face turned pale. He thought Satan would definitely do something after seeing that woman's betrayal with his own eyes this time, but who knew... no! This woman must not stay!



The man glanced at the pale-faced Feng Jin from the corner of his eye, straightened his cuffs lazily, and said, "Send a word to Taoist, no matter who it is, dare to touch a hair of Tang Xi... I'll tear his bones apart!"

Tang Ye: "Yes."

Hearing this, Feng Jin stood there stiffly, not daring to say a word.

The man squinted his eyes, glanced at the helicopter that disappeared into the night, and spread his hands.

In his hand was a fluffy white ball that fell from the girl's clothes just now, lying alone in the palm of his hand...


Lu Tingxiao didn't get on the plane that came up, but took Ning Xi to another small helicopter.

Apart from her and Lu Tingxiao, there was only the pilot on the plane.

Almost the moment the plane door closed, Ning Xi was swept away by kisses...

The man's broad palm tightly clasped her waist, as if trying to melt people into the flesh and blood, and the other hand pressed the back of the girl's head, kissing her lips hard...

There was a burst of pain from being bitten on her lips and tongue. At this moment, what Ning Xi thought was... Well, boss, we won't be destroyed if you do this?

How do you let the pilots concentrate on flying the plane...

The pilot who was flying the plane in front said: He may have encountered the biggest challenge of his career...

Moreover, the boss in the back seat seems to have no intention of stopping at all, and is getting more and more violent, this... this is not a phone shock...

Even an old driver who has received professional training and has eight years of driving experience can't resist such a passionate live version...

At the same time, probably sensing the girl's distraction, Lu Tingxiao's actions became more out of control. He didn't know how much restraint he had to use to refrain from doing anything that would hurt her.

But even so, a bloody breath quickly spread in the mouth of the fusion...

At this moment, Lu Tingxiao's whole body was full of negative factors of darkness, which was terrifying, but Ning Xi was not afraid at all. Instead, she took the initiative to wrap her arms around the man's neck, kissed him, and gently stroked his back with her fingers...

He even stretched out his hand to push the man's chest, pressed him hard under his body, lowered his head, and the rabbit ear hat on the back of his head was put on his head, and he didn't have time to take it off. He leaned over and gnawed on the man's lips. The fear that had been suppressed for a long time in the haunted house was poured into this kiss at this moment...

The man stabilized the girl's body with one hand to prevent her from falling, and responded to the girl's kiss more enthusiastically...

The pilot in front looked red-faced at the two riders behind him, a woman on top of him and a man on his back. One was in a meticulous black formal suit, and the other was a cute and cute cartoon bunny suit...

It's... terrible!

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