Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1068 Calling Sister

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Not far away, Zhuang Zongren was just smiling and watching the group of juniors making a fuss, but when he saw Ning Xi come out after changing into that outfit, his eyes turned red instantly, and he murmured in disbelief, "Ah Ci...Ah Ci..."

After Zhuang Liaoyuan noticed his father's excited reaction, he couldn't help but look sideways.


Isn't that my mother's nickname?

"That child... that child... is really like when Ah Ci was young..." Zhuang Zongren murmured tremblingly, his eyes full of deep longing and love for his dead wife.

When Zhuang Zongren met Ning Xi for the first time, Ning Xi was going to discuss business, her makeup and dress were very smart and capable, so he didn't notice much that time.

But today, the appearance of Ning Xi wearing a pink princess dress without makeup made Zhuang Zongren realize that it really resembled the time when he saw his beloved wife Aci for the first time...

He didn't expect that Lingyu and Ke'er couldn't be like Ah Ci, but Ning Xi, a granddaughter, would be so like her.

Zhuang Liaoyuan looked in Ning Xi's direction and tried his best to recall his mother, but because his mother passed away early, he had almost no memory of her.

However, I vaguely remembered that my mother had a picture of her smiling like a flower wearing a princess dress standing next to her father. The mother's temperament in that picture was indeed very similar to Ning Xi at the moment.


In the evening, the mansion.

Zhuang Zongren made a table of good dishes.

Before, Zhuang Zongren's attitude towards Ning Xi was polite and grateful, but now he is kind and enthusiastic.

At the dinner table, the old man kept holding dishes for Ning Xi, "Xiao Xi, eat more! Eat more!"

"Thank you, old man!" Ning Xi was flattered by the other party's overly enthusiastic attitude.

Zhuang Rongguang, who was gnawing on chicken legs, perked up his ears, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. Then, he stared straight at Ning Xi. After a long while, he suddenly stood up with a bang, stared at Ning Xi excitedly, and said, "Damn! I remembered! You are the woman who tripped me when I was running away at home the other day!"

Zhuang Zongren was displeased when he heard the words, "What are you talking about, why don't you sit down for me! Also, what about this woman and that woman, Xiao Xi is older than you, you should call her sister!"

Zhuang Rongguang looked like hell, "Am I crazy? I called her sister, I said sister, what kind of grudge do I have with you? Why did you abuse me non-stop from the moment we met?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhuang Liaoyuan on the side gave his son a cold look with displeasure, and reprimanded him, "It's not big or small!"

Zhuang Rongguang looked at his grandfather, then at his own father, and immediately let out a "wow", and howled, "Why did you one, two, three all help her talk! Could it be that we hugged the wrong one back then! She is your own!"

Zhuang Zongren grimaced and glared at his grandson, "I hope it's the wrong hug! Unfortunately, no!"

Zhuang Rongguang, who was ruthlessly disgusted, burst into tears.

"Xiao Xi, is your work going well? Are you busy or tired?" Zhuang Zongren asked his grandson, looking at Ning Xi with concern.

Sensing the genuine concern in the old man's tone, Ning Xi hurriedly said, "It's going well and I'm not tired. I like my current job very much."

"Oh, that's good. I heard from Ke'er that you also opened a clothing company. Don't tire yourself out!"

"Yeah, I know!" Ning Xi hurriedly responded.

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