Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 107 The Man in Love

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi originally planned to pay the money herself this time as a gift for Xiao Baozi, but she didn't expect such an embarrassing situation to happen.

She really liked this dress, and when she thought that something that belonged to Xiao Baozi would be snatched away by someone like Ying Fanglin, she felt uncomfortable. Finally, she took out the black card that Lu Tingxiao had given her to pay the bill.

As soon as Ning Xi took out her card, it was the shopping guide's turn and the two women were dumbfounded.

Shopping guides are well-informed, so they naturally recognized this card at a glance. Ying Fanglin and Jin Xuanxuan had never seen the real thing, but the women in that circle were naturally more concerned about these things, so they immediately recognized that it was something " The global limited edition unlimited overdraft black gold card known as the "King of Cards".

The threshold for this kind of card is extremely high, the annual fee is scary, and the service you get around the world is also first-class. Since it has not been publicly issued, nor can it take the initiative to apply, but actively selects 1% of the platinum card users and invites them to handle it, so it is impossible to do it even if you have money. Those who can get this card are politicians, billionaires and celebrities from various countries.

Ying Fanglin's face froze, and she snorted coldly, "Could it be a fake card! Miss, you have to check it carefully!"

Although the shopping guide had seen it, he had only seen it once. He took the card cautiously, and then began to operate the card machine.

Ten seconds later, the shopping guide immediately changed into a 100% smiling face, and bowed at 90 degrees, "Miss, it's ready, I'll help you pack it."

Ning Xi nodded, "Thank you."

Ying Fanglin and Jin Xuanxuan froze in place, looking at each other, looking at Ning Xi's expression as if she had seen a ghost.

Ning Xi took the packed clothes and turned around to leave.

Looking at the back of Ning Xi stepping away in high heels, Ying Fanglin gritted her teeth, her face full of malice, "What are you proud of, I must have become the mistress of some rich old man! I thought that if I gave birth to him a son, I would be able to marry into a wealthy family." Yet?"

"That's right, one day I'll be beaten to death by my wife!" Jin Xuanxuan echoed.


After leaving the children's clothing section, Ning Xi passed the men's clothing section when she went downstairs.

Well, it looks like the brand that Lu Tingxiao usually wears on the opposite side.

The overall style is very Lu Tingxiao, with black, white and gray as the main color, it looks aloof and abstinent.

After taking a few glances, her eyes moved to a young brand next door that has been popular in recent years. Compared with it, the color and style are much younger and lively.

Ning Xi rubbed her chin, and suddenly wanted to buy Lu Tingxiao a suit.

A woman is a creature who originally only wanted to buy a pair of shoes, but ended up buying clothes, bags, jewelry and a lot of things to match.

So after buying Xiao Baozi, the more she thought about it, the more she couldn't restrain the desire to have Lu Tingxiao unify his style.

After hesitating for three minutes, Ning Xi made a choice, buy!

So she went into the store and directly bought the royal blue suit of the same color as Xiaobao's on the model at the door.

At the same time, the Lu Group CEO's office left, and Lu Tingxiao, who was listening to Lu Jingli's report, received two text messages in succession.

Click to open it, and it is a consumption notification text message from the bank.

Ning Xi swiped his card?

A satisfied smile suddenly appeared on Lu Tingxiao's solemn and indifferent face.

Seeing his brother's expression, Lu Jingli understood, "Sister-in-law's text message?"

Lu Tingxiao: "No."

"No?" That's strange!

Lu Jingli immediately looked over the table curiously, hey, isn't it just two SMS notifications from the bank? It's still a consumption notification, not a credit notification! Do you need such a sweet expression?

Tsk tsk, men in love are sometimes really hard to understand!

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