Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1080 Extremely serious problem

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Sister Li Xun said that even though Zeling's discounts are strong now, not everyone can afford them, especially some people who only shop in luxury stores, and then steal clothes when people are not prepared."

After the tall shopping guide finished speaking, he looked at Ning Xi intentionally or unintentionally.

"Sister Li Xun, the headquarters has released a new model recently, and the discount offered by our boss is much bigger than that of the headquarters, why don't you take a look?"

Several other shopping guides also immediately stepped forward to introduce new clothes to Li Xun.

"Just take a look." Li Xun walked forward with the man on his arm, followed behind several shopping guides.

"Hey, are you okay? What are you doing here!"

Several shopping guides stepped forward and pushed Ning Xi aside.

Now, Ning Xi's lungs almost exploded. The sales guides of all the agency stores are all paid by the headquarters, and the same is true for Lu Xinyan's store.

This time, Ning Xi didn't come in vain, at least she realized an extremely serious problem.

Zeling only cares about promoting the brand and forming a brand positioning, but neglects the training of talents. Like the storefront of the agency, whether it is a shopping guide or a store manager, it should be directly assigned to the agency store after professional training at the headquarters.

Not to mention the loss of Lu Xinyan's agency, the experience of entering the store is extremely poor, she doesn't care about other people's stores, but this kind of shopping guide without professionalism must not exist in any agency store in Zeling.

Seeing that Ning Xi was standing far away but had no intention of leaving, the shopping guides didn't have time to talk to her at this moment, they just cared about the couple.

"This style is not bad. What's the price after the discount?" Li Xun asked.

"Sister Li Xun, this discount is not strong enough, there is another one, the boss just came back from the headquarters."

After the tall shopping guide finished speaking, she took out a beautifully packaged coat.

"Sister, let me tell you, for this model, our boss will pay 60,000 yuan when he comes back from the headquarters, and the discount is not small, and the discounted price is 58,000 yuan!" The tall shopping guide smiled coquettishly.

"let me try."

Li Xun, a woman, puts on Zeling's latest coat.

"Honey, is it pretty?"

Li Xun turned around and looked at the man beside him.

"Well, it's not bad. It's more elegant than the 120,000 one I bought from History." The man smiled slightly.

"Hmph, how can a brand like Zeling compare with History, which is a real luxury brand, and you can't even try on the clothes there." Li Xun curled his lips: "But this Zeling is so-so, and you can still get by."

The man shrugged his shoulders. In terms of professional experience in the store, Zeling really can't compare with History. History's shopping guides are more professional than each other.

"This dress is not bad, wrap it up for me." Li Xun took off his coat.

"Sister Li Xun, wait a minute, this coat can be cheaper." The tall shopping guide smiled mysteriously, and then dialed a number to go out.

"Manager, the latest style of coats, customers want to be cheaper, our new store, isn't it just a loss to make a profit... Well, okay, I get it."

After the tall slender woman put down the phone, she smiled charmingly at Li Xun: "Sister, the discounted price is 55,000, and I'll give you another discount of 3,000."

"You still know how to do business. Next time you go to my sister's shop, I can't treat you badly." Li Xun was very satisfied.

"Sister, what I'm talking about, our relationship is of course to help you save money, Miss Xun."

After wrapping up the clothes, several shopping guides smiled and sent Li Xun and the others out.


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