Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 115 The Calm Before the Storm

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

At this moment, the night has just fallen, the light is just right, the prop team has already arranged all the scenes, and the group performers are also in their positions.

After changing his clothes, Jiang Muye was unexpectedly a little nervous.

Speaking of which, although he had dated Ning Xi, he had never even touched a single finger of hers, let alone kissed her.

I didn't expect that the first time was not when I was in love, but actually in a play.

Just as he was taking a deep breath to adjust his mood, suddenly a huge force came from behind him, and Ning Xi, who was dressed in a chic attire and had a high ponytail, hooked his shoulder casually, "What are you doing, golden retriever, aren't you nervous?"

"Get out! Who's nervous! Brother has filmed more kissing scenes than you have eaten rice!" Jiang Muye angrily pushed her away, and was burned by the shoulders she had laid over.

At this time, Guo Qisheng walked over worriedly, "There is no way to clear this scene, are you two okay?"

Generally, this kind of scene is shot to avoid embarrassment for the actors to perform poorly. Sometimes the scene will be cleared and only the staff will be left.

Ning Xi shrugged her shoulders with a relaxed expression, "I'm OK! Senior Jiang said that he has filmed more kiss scenes than I have eaten rice, so it must be even more unnecessary!"

Guo Qisheng laughed loudly, "Then let's get started!"

After speaking, he comforted the two of them, "Because this is the most important kiss in the whole play, so my requirements will be relatively high, but after all, you two have just started to get along, it doesn't matter if the filming is not good at the beginning, let's take it slowly, you can try more It doesn't matter how many times!"

Hearing the director say to try a few more times, the corners of Jiang Muye's mouth twitched slightly, he didn't feel comforted at all, instead his heart beat faster.

What the hell, it's just a kiss scene, what are you dancing about!

No one noticed that there were several fly-sized miniature high-definition cameras hovering in all directions above their heads, and a black car was quietly parked at the intersection less than 100 meters away from the shooting location.

Every frame of the scene is clearly projected on the screen in front of the rear seat in the car.

Lu Tingxiao was dressed in a dark formal suit, his shirt was buttoned up to the first button, his slender fingers propped his forehead at an angle, his dark pupils reflected the light from the screen, and he was silently looking at the girl who appeared on the screen after changing clothes girl.

Lu Jingli next to him poked his head out of the car to look outside for a while, and then looked at the screen in the car again, his face was troubled, "Brother, are you really going to just watch like this and do nothing? Why don't you just stay at home and see Seeing is pure, isn't this looking for abuse?"

After finishing speaking, he stared at his brother's perfect side face hidden in the dim light with apprehension, and muttered to himself, "If you don't explode in silence, you will die in silence... Why do I always have a bad feeling? !"

After all, he grew up with Lu Tingxiao, so he knows his temperament very well. On the surface, this guy looks very cold and arrogant, and has no desires. In fact, as long as it is in his territory, there will be extremely Horribly possessive.

Ever since Ning Xi appeared, Lu Tingxiao has shown almost all his bright and warm side, but Lu Jingli knows that as long as it is what he wants, he will never be unable to get it. This is just the patience of wild animals before hunting, Such an appearance is simply vulnerable, maybe it will be blown to pieces with a bang at some point.

These days, he kept worrying about his heart, knowing that Jiang Muye actually had a relationship with Ning Xi for a while, he was even more sweating for him.

Hey, for the sake of that kid being his nephew, let's find a chance to remind him later! Otherwise, I don’t know how I will die by then!

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