Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1174 Not doing it, abstinence, practicing kung fu

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Furthermore, this dress is completely aimed at us, Zeling. There are two completely different extreme styles, using one extreme style to crush the other extreme style... Who the hell is it?" Gong Shangze clenched his fists.

Ning Xi didn't understand fashion design, but as a woman, she knew how to appreciate it.

I have to say that she likes the overall style of "Black Faith" very much. If it is not produced by History, she must find a way to buy one.

"Boss, give me some time." Gong Shangze had a serious face.

"I believe in you." Ning Xi smiled. This time, it seemed that Gong Shangze had met his opponent.

However, it is not a bad thing to have an opponent. When you are strong, you will be strong. Only when you have an opponent can you make breakthroughs and progress.

However, Ning Xi was very curious about which giant Buddha History invited to help them deal with Zeling. According to Gong Shangze, "Black Faith" was aimed at Zeling completely, and wanted to defeat Zeling in terms of the ultimate style...


After leaving the company, Ning Xi was driving, feeling a little upset, and wanted to find something to vent her disturbed thoughts. I don't know if it was because of the black belief, but Ning Xi couldn't help but flashed a person in Ning Xi's mind, a person whose temperament was very compatible with the black belief.

So she made a random call.

"What's the matter?" A lazy voice came from the phone.

"Master, what are you doing?" Ning Xi asked with a smile.

"Nothing, abstinence, practice."

Ning Xi: "..."

"Han Xiao, talk to me carefully, believe it or not I will slap you." Ning Xi couldn't help but cursed.

"How much hatred do you have with your hand, are you afraid of breaking your hand?"

"Don't talk nonsense, God, come and teach me two moves." Ning Xi said

"Is this repaying your popularity last time?"

"Not counting..." It's not easy for this guy to owe favors, how could he repay it so easily.

"Oh, then don't go."

"Master, don't be stingy, I'll treat you to KFC!"

"Where are you, come right away!"

Ning Xi: "..."


If someone is willing to invite him to dinner, then Han Xiao will definitely arrive as scheduled, not half a second late, not to mention his favorite KFC.

Looking at Han Xiao's eating patterns and appetite, Ning Xi secretly shook her head, God gave him this pretty face for nothing.

"Five more Orleans grilled chicken wings!" Han Xiao said unsatisfactorily.

"Don't eat, I'll take you to a good place."

Before Han Xiao finished eating, Ning Xi pulled Han Xiao up and stuffed him into the car.

A moment later, Taekwondo Hall.

Han Xiao looked at those embroidered fists and embroidered legs inexplicably, and seemed a little confused: "This is the good place you told me about."

"Come, come, God, hurry up and teach me two tricks!"

Ning Xi looked admiring. Although Han Xiao was a lunatic, his combat power was nothing to say.

What's the matter, every time she trains with the second senior brother, she is despised by all kinds of people. She must use two special moves to rise up and counterattack!

"I'm not interested in fighting in front of these trash." Han Xiao didn't buy it, and sat lazily on the ground.

"Boy, who do you call trash?"

In the next second, several students who were five-year-old and three-year-old quickly walked forward, and the person who spoke was a fat man. Judging by his size, he couldn't hold a weight of two hundred catties.

" friend was joking." Ning Xi explained.

"It's none of your business!" The fat man stepped forward and pushed Ning Xi away.

"Boy, let me ask you something. You just said, who is a waste?"

Several people surrounded Han Xiao.

At this moment, Han Xiao looked blankly, looked around, looked at the fat student, and said, "I didn't target anyone, I just said that everyone present is trash, not just you, don't be angry."

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