Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1180 Can you have a pleasant chat

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

This time, the alternative classical dark style has been brought to the extreme. It is definitely not comparable to "Black Faith" produced by History!

The only thing that can be compared with it is "Luo Shen" by Gong Shangze and the master of traditional Chinese painting Song Jin.

"It's so beautiful, and these materials... What is it? Damn, diamonds? And jade?? Ancient brocade!! Nima, golden velvet!!!" Ning Xi froze completely in place. The material used to make this dress is already unimaginable!

"Advanced mixed fiber?" Gong Shangze touched "Sentient Beings", and his complexion also changed.

"Advanced mixed fiber? What's that?" Ning Xi asked hastily.

"Let me tell you this, this material is usually used to make spacesuits worn by astronauts when they go to space." Gong Shangze explained after a moment of silence.

"..." Ning Xi didn't know what to say. Although she wasn't an expert, she knew a little bit, one word "expensive", so in an instant, she helped pick up the clothes that fell on the floor carefully.

Afterwards, Ning Xi thought of something, and cast her eyes on Han Xiao instantly, her face turned black, she gritted her teeth and said, "Han Xiao, tell me honestly, did you steal this dress from History?!"

History even found the media, and kept saying that the treasure of the town store was born today, how could it be a hype!

Ning Xi seriously suspected that this dress, the treasure of History's shop, was stolen by Han Xiao.

It's just stealing a piece of clothing, he definitely has that ability!

"This dress?" Han Xiao stared at the sentient beings, "I made it."

"Fuck!" Ning Xi didn't believe it at all.

"The black belief is also mine, this is called sentient beings." Han Xiao said.

Ning Xi pinched the center of her brows, her expression powerless, "Hero...why can't we still have a pleasant chat?"

"If such clothes were stolen from Zeling, would you call the police?" Han Xiao asked with his eyes slightly narrowed and his lips hooked.

"Nonsense, of course I called the police..." Ning Xi subconsciously said.

"Then, is History stupider than you? You know to call the police, but History is silent, and even accused by the media of making a hype, so he doesn't say anything?" Han Xiao smiled faintly.

Ning Xi was choked to death, "Damn... Who are you talking about being stupid!"

"Boss, if History really has such a piece of clothing stolen, he will definitely not be silent, and will definitely tell the truth to the media. The value of this piece of really too high." Gong Shangze said immediately, while watching Han Xiao's expression change slightly.

While talking here, Han Xiao's cell phone rang suddenly, and the caller ID was Dai Wei.

Han Xiao answered the phone and turned on the speaker directly.

"Brother Han Xiao, where have you been? Today is the press conference of "All Beings", and the fashion media have all gone to History's headquarters, but you disappeared, and "All Beings" also disappeared..."

In such an urgent situation, Dai Wei's voice was very soft, without any trace of anger. He also wanted to yell at Han Xiao, but it was a pity that he didn't have the guts to do so.

"What's none of my business?" Han Xiao asked back.

"Brother Han Xiao... Isn't "All Beings" the treasure of your design for History?" Dai Wei asked weakly, although his voice was very soft, it was enough for Ning Xi and Gong Shangze next to him to hear clearly.

"Which of your ears heard me say this." Han Xiao's voice cooled down.

"No, no, no...haha, our boss misunderstood, misunderstood..."

""All Beings" is my work. I can deal with it as I want. You may understand what I mean." Han Xiao said.

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