Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1182 Definitely Big News!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Gong Shangze was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, "I'm sorry Mr. Han, I'm just very interested in your design style..."

Han Xiao sized up the handsome young man in front of him, "Is he Zeling's designer?"

"That's right, didn't you praise him last time for being in your old man's eyes and making you interested in the challenge! Speaking of this... well, I should say sorry, I really didn't expect you to be a real designer, and now I am completely convinced!" Ning Xi clasped her fists and said.

Han Xiao squinted at her, "I said long ago that the designer of this spirit is not as good as me, and I can destroy him in minutes. Do you believe me?"

Hearing this, Ning Xi suddenly thought of something, "Uh...wait! Wait! So...the reason why you went to history to make such a fuss...could it be because I didn't believe what you said at the beginning?"

Han Xiao: "That's right."

Ning Xi: "..."

What a quick answer, bastard! ! !

Before, she had guessed countless times who the expert Ning Xueluo hired was and where she got it from. She never expected that all of this would be because of herself...

Ning Xi rubbed her forehead completely speechless, "Master, I was wrong! I really know I was wrong... From now on, every word and sentence you say... I will believe it! I will never doubt you again!"

Gong Shangze on the side was also surprised when he heard the words, he didn't expect that the reason why this person designed the black belief was because of himself.

He wasn't angry at Han Xiao's saying "you can kill him in minutes", because he did have this strength, and he was honored to be regarded as an opponent by such a person.

"Okay, to apologize for my blindness and thank you for this gift, I will treat you to dinner after tonight's press conference!" Ning Xi looked at Han Xiao and said.

He would naturally not refuse to eat some!

Han Xiao pressed the brim of his hat, gestured OK, then turned and left leisurely.

After Han Xiao left, Gong Shangze couldn't help but asked Ning Xi, "Boss, do you think it's possible to invite Mr. Han to our company?"

If such a person can join Zeling...

Ning Xi immediately rejected Gong Shangze's proposal without even thinking about it, "Don't think about it, that guy, I can't control him, no matter how powerful a weapon is, if the controller can't control it, it will only harm you in the end."

Ning Xueluo is the best example.

What's more, such a freewheeling person probably won't stay anywhere. It can also be seen from his attitude that design is just one of his casual hobbies.

When Gong Shangze heard the words, he didn't mention any more, but his eyes became brighter.

Some people are like this, so talented that you can’t even feel jealous. You can only lament that there are people who are beyond others, and thus give birth to the desire to work hard to a higher and broader place...

After a short preparation, Han Momo immediately spread the news that Zeling was going to announce the treasure of the store.

The venue for the press conference is the Imperial Palace Hotel.

Although it was announced in a hurry, almost all the media flocked to the news as quickly as possible after hearing the news, and the news is still spreading rapidly.

After all, they just made a fool of history, and Zeling immediately said that they would also announce the treasure of the town store, how could it not make people curious! ! !

This is definitely big news!

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