Maybe You Are So Shining

Han Xiao: Even if you are an enemy of the whole world

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After leaving the Pearl River Imperial Scenery, Han Xiao walked directly to Longqian Mountain, one of the largest cemetery in the imperial capital...

I don't know if it's because I saw those designs from my past at Ning Xi's place, and my thoughts drifted back to the long time ago...

He couldn't remember how long he hadn't recalled those things back then...

seven years ago.

In the deep mountain, there are groups of dead trees, and the roar of wild beasts resounds from time to time, which is soon covered by gunshots.

In front of a dead tree surrounded by several people, if you look carefully, it has been smashed into a sieve by a gun. Beside the dead tree, a handsome man flashes past, and the dead leaves on the ground are swept into the air.

In the rear, three men were holding guns. One of them was wearing an expensive suit and a pair of expensive sunglasses.

"Be careful, you should also know who that person is from!"

"Ha, Li Suifeng, thanks to the fact that you are still No.1 on the list of original sin killers, even several underground dynasties in Asia pay respect to you. Are you afraid to face this person?" The short man looked at the Asian man in front of him and smiled softly.

"Hehe, Li Suifeng, no matter how powerful that person is, is he still not afraid of guns?" Another person laughed.

At this moment, Li Suifeng, known as the number one original sin killer, frowned slightly: "Venus, Jackie, he is an existence that even the Rothschel family, the underground emperor of Europe, fears deeply..."

Hearing that Li Suifeng mentioned the Emperor Ou, the expressions of Venus and the other person changed slightly.

"No wonder you are so cautious. It turned out to be a mission from the Rothschild family...I'm afraid that in this world, the old guy from the Rothschild family can invite you..." the short Venus said softly.

"I'm indeed a little apprehensive, otherwise, I wouldn't ask the two of you to help me out, that man..."

Li Suifeng frowned deeply, then seemed to be startled, and made a silent gesture, the three bowed their waists, and walked gently towards the forest ahead.

After a while, Li Suifeng stopped, looked indifferently into the distance, and said in a cold voice, "Master Xiao, come out, you know... I even called Venus and Jacky to deal with you this time."

Venus and Jackie in front of Li Suifeng looked a little curious and hot. Even Li Suifeng, who made the number one original sin killer list, was so cautious. That Lord Xiao, they wanted to see what was different.

"Roar—" a loud roar came suddenly.

The three of Li Suifeng looked forward in amazement, and saw a handsome man with long hair reaching his waist standing on a huge white tiger.

"Damn, what kind of posture can tame a white tiger?!" Venus' eyes widened, his face full of surprise.

The white tiger's eyes are fierce, its body is shockingly hostile, its fangs are sharp, and its hair is shiny. It looks like a purebred wild white tiger. It is definitely not a domesticated one since childhood. What is the origin of that handsome man standing on top of the wild white tiger? !

"Master Xiao, you can't escape." Li Suifeng took a deep breath.

"Haha, you are Han Xiao... It is said that you claim to be the most powerful in the world and invincible in the world." Jackie looked at Han Xiao who looked like a woman, and smiled disdainfully.

Han Xiao jumped off the white tiger, with a thoughtful expression on his face, he shook his head and said, "Unrivaled under doesn't have to be, sometimes it ranks first, sometimes it ranks second."

"Oh..." Venus took half a step forward, playing with the gun in his hand: "No matter how powerful you are, have you ever surpassed a gun?"

"Gun..." Han Xiao was stunned for a moment, and quickly clasped his fists together with a look of panic: "Excuse me!"

Hearing Han Xiao's words, the little Venus and Jackie were a little surprised. The person in front of them, no matter what, was also a person that even Rothschild feared. How could he be so cowardly?

"Master Xiao... You also know that I am a killer, and the Rothschild family has been kind to me. This mission is to kill you." Li Suifeng sighed.

"Boy, who taught you your three-legged cat kung fu? Now that you can't find an opponent in the world, do you dare to come to your Lord Xiao to have fun?" Han Xiao stared at Li Suifeng with a harmless smile on his face.

"Master Xiao, I can't help it..." Li Suifeng clenched his fists tightly: "If, this time, I die in the hands of Lord Xiao, I only hope that Lord Xiao can let my two friends go." Li Suifeng said seriously.

Killing Han Xiao, even if he unites these two top killers, he is not at all sure.

"Li Suifeng, he taught you?!" Venus looked horrified. Li Suifeng is now the number one original sin killer, and he knows how strong he is. This Han Xiao is actually Li Suifeng's master! ?

Li Suifeng just stared at Han Xiao and didn't answer Venus' question.

"Heh... that old Rothchel, if I don't marry his daughter, he will find someone to kill me. In this world, is there any woman who is worthy of my Han Xiao? Ha... have you... seen such a woman?" There was a trace of sick madness in Han Xiao's eyes.

"Han Xiao, didn't you beg for mercy just now, are you not afraid of death now?" Jason said coldly.

"Well~ I lied to you." Han Xiao shrugged, with a simple Tang knife hanging from his waist, he strode towards Li Suifeng and the others.

"Master Xiao... Don't say it's you, even your clan might not dare to oppose Rothchel. If you marry Rothchel's daughter, in the future, the entire underground dynasty will belong to Lord Xiao! Could it be said that Lord Xiao is really a person who cuts off love and desire?!" Li Suifeng took a deep breath. Han Xiao was crazy about martial arts.

Seeing that Han Xiao didn't reply anymore, Li Suifeng's eyes showed a bit of chill, as long as Han Xiao was killed, the Rothschild family promised him benefits...

"Okay, it's said that Lord Xiao can block bullets. I, Li Suifeng, have lived my whole life and have never seen one. After becoming the number one killer on the list of original sin killers, I have gained a lot of insight, but I know that you, Han Xiao, are not invincible."

As Li Suifeng's voice fell, the gun was aimed at Han Xiao, and there was a muffled bang.


At the same time, Han Xiao disappeared in place, and a dead leaf floated gently in the air.


Venus and Jackie froze in place, their faces full of astonishment. That Han Xiao dodged Li Suifeng's bullet? !

Even Li Suifeng himself changed his face in shock.


Suddenly, Venus yelled at Li Suifeng.

"Well... boy, your speed is really getting slower and slower. There are some things that can't be solved with a gun, what do you say!" The corners of Han Xiao's mouth rose slightly, outlining a wicked smile.

His right palm became a claw, gently strangling Li Suifeng's throat.

"It is said that Lord Xiao can't stop bullets, but unexpectedly, Lord Xiao can dodge bullets." A trace of despair appeared on Li Suifeng's face, and the coldness in his eyes disappeared, replaced by panic: "Master Xiao, you taught really want to kill me?!"

Now, Li Suifeng regretted it a little. He knew exactly what kind of person Han Xiao was, but he was dazzled by the benefits Rothchel promised.

"Don't worry, I taught you, I won't kill you." Han Xiao pondered for a moment before replying.

"Master Xiao...thank you, I..."

However, before Li Suifeng finished speaking, there was a crisp click, and Li Suifeng's throat was broken by Han Xiao.

"Well... I lied to you again, I don't have a long memory."

Han Xiao let go of his right palm, and Li Suifeng's body collapsed to the ground like mud.

Seeing that Li Suifeng was killed by Han Xiao in an understatement, Venus and Jackie gasped.


The faces of the two quickly returned to their usual calmness, they quickly dispersed, and at the same time they fired several shots at Han Xiao.


Han Xiao's quaint Tang knife stood in front of him, the sound of gold and iron colliding sounded, and the Tang knife burst into flames.

"Damn it, you're lying! Is this a human or a monster!!" There was a trace of cold sweat on Jackie's forehead. In this world, there are people who can dodge bullets. Who has seen someone who can block bullets with a knife? !

"Han Xiao, have you played enough?"

Suddenly, a man and a woman came from a distance. The man who spoke was dressed in black with a stern face, while the woman was dressed in a long skirt. She stared closely at Han Xiao with her agile eyes, her appearance was very delicate and sweet.

"Haha, just play around." Han Xiao chuckled lightly.

"The number one killer on the original sin list, the number one killer in Asia, and the number one killer in America... Han Xiao, who did you offend?" the man in black asked curiously.

"That old Rothschild, if I don't marry his daughter, he will find someone to kill me." Han Xiao shrugged.

"Interesting." The man in black looked disdainfully: "No one in this world is worthy of you."

As soon as these words came out, the sweet-looking woman grabbed the man's ear: "Qin Wentian, if you continue to encourage Han Xiao like this, I will smash your mouth!"

"Qin Youge, I'm telling the truth, a worldly woman is not worthy." Qin Wentian said seriously.

"Then I don't deserve it either." The woman called You Ge said coldly.

", you are not a secular woman..." Qin Wentian said helplessly.

"Have you said enough!"

Anger welled up in Venus' heart, and he fired a shot at the man in black, Qin Wentian.


Qin Wentian immediately drew out the long saber, and swiped the long saber across at an unhuman speed.


After Qin Wentian blocked the bullet, he stared at his broken knife with a vicious look in his eyes.

"court death."

Immediately, Qin Wentian jumped in front of Venus in a few steps, and before Venus could react, he cut off Venus' neck severely with the knife.

"Monster... two monsters!"

Jackie is stunned. He is the number one killer in America. He has been undefeated across the Americas, making the whole America frightened. Today, he met two monsters!

"Can you run away?"

Seeing Jie Qi fleeing towards the forest, Qin Wentian threw the broken sword in his hand, there was a whirring sound of piercing through the air, and the broken knife pierced through Jie Qi's head.

After solving the two, Qin Wentian walked up to Han Xiao and said, "Rothschild's underground forces spread all over Europe. It is said that even Asia and America have his large-scale forces, and he is even behind the scenes of several war-torn countries..."

"So powerful? Then I should marry his daughter!" Han Xiao held his chin, thought for a while, and then said.

"A worldly woman, no one is worthy of you." Qin Wentian said expressionlessly.

"Worldly women are not good enough for me, don't tell me you are good enough for me, you have a crush on me?" Han Xiao stared at Qin Wentian with deep meaning.


Qin Wentian slapped Han Xiao, but Han Xiao easily dodged it.

"You descendants of Emperor Qin's lineage are all so irritable, it's not good." Han Xiao smiled, then took the woman's hand and walked towards the distance.

"Hey, I'm also a descendant of Emperor Qin's lineage." The woman stared at Han Xiao with a dissatisfied expression on her face.

"Haha, Emperor Qin is violent, and his descendants also carry the gene of violence. I'm not wrong."

In the blink of an eye, Han Xiao came to a mountain top and took the woman into his arms.

"Anyway, don't say it, don't say that Empress Qin is violent in the future!" The woman pinched his face angrily.

"I know, I know..." Han Xiao helplessly looked at the tigress in front of him.

Only then was the woman satisfied, and happily walked around in front of him, "Is my dress beautiful?"

"It's more beautiful not to wear it." Han Xiao thought for a while, then raised the corners of his lips and said.

"Idiot, go to the outside world to see if you have time. This is a top brand in Italy. There are only ten pieces in the world." The woman curled her lips, dissatisfied with Han Xiao's lack of appreciation.

"I think it's just ordinary stuff. I'll design a few for you to wear later." Han Xiao said proudly.

"Hmph, that's what you said, then I'll wait." The woman sat down and leaned against Han Xiao's arms, a look of worry flashed across her brows, "You don't even want Rothschild's daughter, will there be any trouble..."

"Trouble?" Han Xiao suddenly laughed, "In this world, whoever I want to die will die. Who can be my opponent, that old bastard, I will settle accounts with him in the future!"

"Hmph, blow it again, the title of invincible in the world, after you have completely defeated Qin Wentian, let's blow it again." The woman couldn't help but shouted.

"Don't mention that old boy Qin Wentian, it's alright for him to cut off love by himself, but he always pushes me to do the same. I have a wife!" Han Xiao snorted as he wrapped his fingertips around a strand of the girl's hair.

"That's because he was afraid that you would neglect martial arts. You are the only one who can be his opponent in this world. Without you, his life would be boring." The woman couldn't help laughing.

"Be careful, that old pervert won't fall in love with me anymore, then you will have another rival in love." Han Xiao said seriously.

Before Han Xiao could continue to say something, footsteps suddenly sounded from behind.

The two turned around and saw a white-haired old man.

"Old man, why are you here?" Han Xiao had a strange expression on his face.

"Uncle Hanyin." The woman stood up quickly, looking at the old man with a bit of fear.

The old man is Han Xiao's mentor, and the woman is also familiar with him.

Han Yin didn't open her mouth to speak, but walked straight to the woman's side, a cold light flashed in her eyes, then raised her palm, and slammed on the woman's body with lightning speed.


Hearing the sound of bone cracking, the woman collapsed limply on the ground without even struggling.

The old man's attack was too unexpected, and Han Xiao had no room for reaction from the beginning to the end, and he just watched the girl fall in front of him...

"Han Xiao, you bastard, you don't want Ou Huang's daughter, you've lost your mind because of this woman!" The old man didn't even look at the woman, and turned to stare at Han Xiao.

"You Ge..." Han Xiao stared at the girl's fallen body, his eyes were straight, and his body trembled violently.

"Hmph, Han Xiao, please remember, Rothschild's daughter, you must marry me!" Han Yin snorted coldly.

"You Ge..." Han Xiao approached the woman, squatted down, his arms trembled, and hugged the woman tightly in his arms.


The woman's eyes, ears, mouth and nose were filled with blood.

"Don't blame...Uncle Yin...he is...for good..." The woman wanted to hug Han Xiao tightly, but halfway her arms fell limply.

"You Ge, I'll cure you...don't be afraid..." Han Xiao quickly picked up the woman and started to walk down the mountain.

"You... lied to me again... bragging... Your Majesty... you only know how to kill... kill people... how can you know medical skills... save people..."

Han Xiao pressed his face against the woman's, "I'll learn, I'm willing to learn anything, don't die, don't die!"

"You... said before... take me to... Kunlun in China... the top of the mountain... see... see the snow... I may... can't... accompany you... go with you... you can... find a... safe country... find a woman who... loves you more than me, help me, stay with you... for the rest of your life..."

"I really want... to marry you... to be with you... really want... really want..."

After the woman finished speaking, a large amount of blood spilled from her mouth. She was wearing a white dress, stained bright red by the blood, and her body gradually became cold in Han Xiao's embrace.

"You Ge!!!" Han Xiao's nails were inserted into his palms, and blood flowed between his fingers.

Gently putting the woman's body aside, Han Xiao turned around, looked at Han Yin, and gently pulled out the quaint Tang knife from his waist.

"Han Xiao, what are you doing!"

Han Yin was taken aback when he saw this, this kid has always been respectful to him, but now he dares to draw a sword with him for a woman? !

"I want to... bully the master and destroy the ancestors." Han Xiao held the Tang Dao and walked towards Han Yin.

"Han Xiao! You want to betray the entire clan?!" Seeing that Han Xiao was really murderous, Han Yin lacked confidence.

"Is it all because of this vixen of Emperor Qin's lineage that completely made you lose your mind!" Han Yin shouted angrily, and kicked the woman's body off the cliff.

"I want your dog's life!"

Han Xiao was completely insane, he leaped to Han Yin's body in one step, and slashed out with the Tang knife in his hand.


"Han Xiao, how dare you...!"

Han Xiao's attack was so fierce that Han Yin dodged in embarrassment.


The second knife cut out.


Tang Dao was sheathed by Han Xiao, without looking at Han Yin, he immediately ran down the cliff.


After Han Xiao left, a large amount of blood was sprayed from Han Yin's neck, and Han Xiao had already sealed his throat with a knife.


Three days later, in the deadwood forest.

A fierce light appeared in Han Xiao's eyes, looking at Qin Wentian who was striding forward.

"Han Xiao, you killed Han Yin, come back with me to claim the crime." Qin Wentian said seriously.

"Just say it once... get lost."

Han Xiao's eyes were full of morbid madness, and his body trembled slightly, as if he was resisting this madness.

"Han Xiao, you did something wrong." Seeing Han Xiao like this, Qin Wentian couldn't bear it.

"You Ge, dead." Han Xiao said.

"I know, but I said at the beginning that you should cut off love and love. You Ge's death was an order of the clan, and it seemed that he had some connection with Rothschild, but if you kill Han Yin, you are betraying the clan." Qin Wentian's unbearable expression faded away and he regained his composure.

"Clan?! Heh, even with that group of mediocrity, they dare to touch my Han Xiao's woman." Han Xiao smirked.

"You want to fight, today you and I, only one can survive." Han Xiao stood up.

"Your disposition is messed up, and you are no match for me. Today... I won't kill you. From now on, I, Qin Wentian, and you, Han Xiao, will make a clean break. When we meet in the future, we will not talk about affection, but only compete!" After Qin Wentian finished speaking, he broke the knife in his hand and threw it fiercely, and the blade pierced into the ground.

"This 'Three Thousand Desires' was given to me by you back then, and now I will give it back to you!" Han Xiao took out the simple Tang knife and threw it towards Qin Wentian.

Qin Wentian took Tang Dao, the corner of his mouth twitched, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he turned and left without opening his mouth.

"You Ge, where are you, I can't find... I can't find you..."

After Qin Wentian left, Han Xiao frantically searched for the woman's body everywhere, but he never found it...

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