Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1191 Definitely go next time

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Sister Xi, what are you looking at?" Xiao Tao asked suspiciously.

That fellow will come to a place like a charity dinner?

Isn't this a joke...

Ning Xi shook her head and didn't think any more, "It's nothing, let's go!"

Nowadays Ning Xi wears Zeling's clothes on many occasions, because this occasion is more important, Ning Xi did not choose a ready-to-wear, but wore a haute couture one.

Han Momo originally urged her to go to the shop, but Ning Xi refused.

With her current status, she can't control the store money, whether it is Luoshen or sentient beings, but one day she will need the store money.

Just as Ning Xi was walking inside, she bumped into Ning Xueluo who was on the opposite side.

And the suit that Ning Xueluo was wearing was obviously the store style that History just announced yesterday.

Su Yan also came with Ning Xueluo. Ning Xueluo wore a long dress decorated with handmade flowers like the Garden of Eden in a fairy tale world.

"Xiao Xi, you're here too!" Ning Xueluo naturally recognized her clothes at a glance, "Is the clothes you're wearing today Zeling's? It's so pretty! Brother Yan, don't you think so?"

The last time Ning Xi went to Ning's house, she was wearing Zeling's clothes. At that time, she was reprimanded by Zhuang Lingyu and Ning Yaohua for turning her elbows.

If it was a coincidence last time, it can be said that Ning Xi wore Zeling's clothes this time, it was completely intentional.

Ning Xueluo said these words on purpose, with a somewhat sad and lonely expression on her face, obviously for Su Yan to see.

However, Su Yan, who was usually so careful, didn't notice Ning Xueluo's mood at this moment, but his eyes fell on Ning Xi slightly in a daze.

Ning Xi was wearing a Chinese-style long dress with blue and red embroidery on a white background. The colors were gradually rendered, coral embroidery, and translucent and soft chiffon. She seemed to be surrounded by fairy spirit...

The person in front of him is clearly close at hand, but it gives him the illusion that he is so far away from him, that he can't even touch him...

This feeling inexplicably made his heart tug...

Su Yan was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses, nodded and said, "Well, it's very beautiful..."

Ning Xueluo probably also noticed Su Yan's trance, a coldness flashed in his eyes, then he smiled and took Su Yan's arm affectionately and said to Ning Xi, "Xiao Xi, in addition to the charity auction items donated by celebrities, there are also several finale auction items prepared by the organizer. Among them is a crown called Queen. I really like it. Brother Yan said that he will help me take pictures of it and use it at the wedding... Ah yes, Brother Yan and I are getting engaged soon, sister, you You must come when the time comes!"

got engaged?

Ning Xi raised her brows slightly when she heard this, and got engaged so soon despite her career being on the rise?

It seems that it is really urgent because of the will... Heh...

Xiaotao, who was at the side, could not help showing a bit of suspicion when she heard that Ning Xueluo called Ning Xi "sister".

Why do you always feel that the atmosphere between these three people is weird?

Also, Ning Xueluo is getting engaged! ! !

Surprised to know the big news!

"Engagement banquet?" Ning Xi murmured.

"Yes, sister, you will come!"

"Sorry, I've been quite busy recently, let's go next time, I will definitely go next time!" Ning Xi said with a smile, then turned and left.

Xiaotao was taken aback for a moment, and then almost burst out laughing.

Behind her, Ning Xueluo's face turned blue...

next engagement? damn it! This is clearly cursing her for divorce!

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