Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1194 Want to dive

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"Miss Ning Xi once participated in director Guo's hit costume movie "The World" with our Xueluo, and played the role of the second female Meng Changge in it, which was deeply loved by the audience..." The auctioneer briefly introduced Ning Xi's relevant information.

"The World" was indeed very popular, but when it was put together with Ning Xueluo, a female lead and a female supporting role, it was instantly overshadowed.

And in those celebrity circles, almost no one knows such an artist who plays a supporting role.

After the auctioneer's introduction, Ning Xi got up and greeted everyone.

When they saw Ning Xi herself, there was a lot of exclamation at the scene.

"Hey! When did such a stunner appear in the circle? She's so pretty!"

"There are too many beautiful female stars in the circle, and they are pinched one after another. Can you see it?"

"This is different! This one is so beautiful! Look at that figure... So far, the only available role is the second female lead? It looks like there is no one yet!"

"What? Mr. Sun has an idea?"

"Hehe, it's a little..."


Of course, there were quite a few people in the celebrity circle who recognized Ning Xi. Several celebrities around Ning Xueluo couldn't help talking after seeing Ning Xi, "Isn't this the adopted daughter of the Ning family?"

"Ning's adopted daughter? The one adopted from the countryside?"

"That's right! I saw it last time at Mr. Ning's birthday banquet, she was right!"

"No way! It's changed so much? The first time I saw her was at Xueluo's coming-of-age ceremony, and that woman was still dressed in A-grade clothes..."

"It's said that he was kicked out of the house because of Rob Xueluo's boyfriend who seduced Su Yan. Later, he didn't know where to get plastic surgery. Now, with a vixen's face, he is sharpening his head and getting into the entertainment industry! The pheasant wants to become a phoenix, and he doesn't take a pee to take care of himself..."


"Okay, everyone can start bidding!" the auctioneer said.

However, as soon as the words fell, the audience fell into a weird silence, and for a while, no one made an offer.

In such an occasion, there will never be a situation where no one bids, unless...someone deliberately manipulated it secretly...

Xiaotao gritted her teeth, "I knew someone would play tricks on purpose, but luckily we were prepared for it!"

"Are you ready?" Ning Xi asked, tilting her head.

Xiaotao nodded, "Just to prevent this situation! I'll notify him immediately!"

In order to prevent this embarrassing situation where no one is asking for a price or to deliberately raise the price, many people will prepare some babysitting for emergencies, and Ning Xi's Ling Zhizhi also prepared in advance.

Just as Xiaotao was about to notify the other side, someone in the crowd suddenly raised a sign - "1 yuan!"

Accompanied by this voice, the scene suddenly burst into laughter.

Someone actually offered a price of one yuan, who is it?

The auctioneer also laughed, "On the 17th, Mr. Qian asked for... 1 yuan! Mr. Qian is really humorous..."

Mr. Qian was the rich businessman who bid the hardest when Ning Xueluo's bracelet was auctioned just now.

"Damn! It's so deceiving!" Xiao Tao was half dead with anger. That Qian Zong is definitely Ning Xueluo's person!

Fortunately, at this time, another boss made an offer——"Ten thousand!"

"No. 39! Mr. Sun offered 10,000!" The host said, looking at the slightly fat middle-aged man not far away.

When everyone heard that it was Mr. Sun who rescued Ning Xi, they all showed meaningful expressions. Who didn't know that he was a famous womanizer. Now that he was playing this game of hero saving the beauty, it seemed that he had taken a fancy to Ning Xi's beauty and wanted to take a dive...

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