Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1202 Is the little junior sister very moved?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Oh my god! Sister Xi! Sister Xi, did you hear that! That 100 million for you! It's for you! That No. 8 is actually your fan! I almost thought it was your black..." Looking at Xiaotao's state, even if she didn't slam her head on the pillar to death, she was about to die of excitement.

And looking at the reactions of other people, you will find that Xiaotao is actually quite calm.

"I'm going to invite our Miss Ning to come on stage—"

Listening to the host's words, the bottom has already exploded.

"It turned out to be Ning Xi..."

"How could this be? Shouldn't Miss Ning be referring to Xueluo?"

"Is there something wrong?"


"Ning Xi is here to invite us, Miss Ning Xi!" The host probably also heard the discussion below, and specially emphasized Ning Xi's name.

Now, no one questioned it anymore.

"The reserve price of this crown is 30 million, and now it's sold for 100 million, which means that this auction has raised 70 million for us. Miss Ning, you are undoubtedly the guest who helped us raise the most money in this auction. Thank you very much for your contribution to charity, and I sincerely wish your acting career is getting better and better..."

On the stage, the host was complimenting Ning Xi enthusiastically. Ning Xueluo's face was extremely ugly, she had no intention of listening to the host's words, but was overwhelmed by jealousy.

No matter how much she thought about it, she would never have imagined that the person who snatched the crown would be Ning Xi...

Ning Xueluo was so angry that her whole body was trembling. When she looked at Su Yan, she had an expression of extreme sadness and grievance, "Brother Yan...why...why did my sister treat me like this...she clearly knows that I like this crown...she clearly knows what this crown means to me...why she must grab it as long as it belongs to me..."

Su Yan also didn't expect this result at all, and pinched his brows tiredly and said, "Xueluo, Xiao Xi is also unintentional..."

"Wuxin? Will there be so many coincidences of Wuxin? When you proposed to me at the finale banquet last time, she had tried every means to steal my limelight, and now it's like this! She just can't see me! I put up with her, but she bullied me again and again...Brother Yan...I really can't stand it..."

"Xueluo, no matter how powerful Xiao Xi is, she can't do this. She should really be a fan of her... Don't be sad, I'll prepare better things for you later!"

"Brother Yan, why do you keep talking for her! Do you want to be snatched away by her! Do you regret being with me?"

"Don't talk nonsense..."



Inside a black car.

As soon as a silver-haired man with a flirtatious face stepped in, Feng Xiaoxiao immediately rubbed her hands and moved over excitedly, "How is it? I'm doing a good trick, right? Heroes save the beauty and so on. It's absolutely a hundred-tested work! Is my junior sister very moved?"

As soon as the words fell, the man's long and narrow eyes gave her a cold glance.

Feng Xiaoxiao's scalp was numb from being stared at, and she coughed weakly, "What... what's wrong?"

The man casually threw a black mobile phone over.

Feng Xiaoxiao hurriedly caught it, and then hurriedly looked at the phone, only to see such a conversation...

[Honey, do you like the gift? ]

[happiness! joyous! you! sister! ! ! ! ! ]

Feng Xiaoxiao was dumbfounded: "This... this is not scientific!"

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