Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1206 Why Are You So Enthusiastic Suddenly?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Annie glanced at the things Ning Xi gave her. She seemed to have a lot to say, and probably felt that it was useless to say them. In the end, she just said, "Okay! Brother Xi, I'll put it back for you..."



A gloomy villa on the outskirts of the city.

Remembering Ning Xi's explanation, Annie quietly opened the door of a room as soon as she returned.

The boss should not be back by this time...

The room was quiet, and the lights were not on. She groped lightly and walked to the position of the cabinet, trying to secretly put things into the cabinet...

As a result, as soon as the cabinet door was opened, the candles by the wall lit up, and a faint voice suddenly sounded in my ear, "Little bait, what are you looking for?"

"Ah..." Annie jumped up in fright, and looked at the man leaning on the bed behind her, her face turned pale, "No! I didn't find anything! I didn't steal anything! I...I just..."

"Hand." The man's voice was extremely cold.

Annie had no choice but to take the diamond and crown out of the bag in order to show her innocence.

Seeing those two things, the man immediately understood, his breath suddenly turned cold, "The other one."

Annie could only put the things in her right hand on the bed. From the transparent plastic bag, she could see that there were various cute shapes of biscuits inside.

"The right hand stays, the left hand throws away."

That means let her keep the cookies and throw the rest?

"But...but... Brother Xi gave me the biscuits..." Annie had a reluctant expression on her face.

The man looked at him coldly, and Annie was so frightened that she immediately dropped the biscuit and ran away without a trace. could this be...that's the biscuit Brother Xi gave me...



After Ning Xi asked Annie to send the things back, she finally settled one matter.

After a day of tossing around, she was almost exhausted. After entering the room, she changed into her slippers, threw her bag on the sofa, and then began to take off her clothes while walking into the bedroom...

When she got to the bedroom, she threw away the coat on her body, took off the stockings, pulled out the corset and threw it away with a "swish", then let out a comfortable sigh, and then relaxed and threw her whole body on the soft and fluffy big bed...

As a result... the moment I pounced... I was confused...

What a tactile sensation, isn't it? ! ! !

What is this... hard... warm... full of explosive texture and touch...

My quilt has become fine?

Ning Xi lifted her paws from the heat as if she had been electrocuted, and fumbled frantically to press the switch of the bedside lamp.

In an instant, the lights in the bedroom were brightened.

Then she saw...

The Great Demon King who came over at an unknown time was leaning on the bed, wearing a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, and a book that she threw out at his hand. At this moment, the man was wearing pajamas, his hair was slightly wet, and he looked like he had just taken a bath. The pajamas had been completely wiped off by her, revealing a large piece of honey-colored skin...

This lazy and relaxed posture, which is completely opposite to the usual loneliness and abstinence, is almost killing people...

Ning Xi touched her beating heart, her breathing was a little unsteady, "Lu... Lu Tingxiao... why are you here? You scared me!"

The man lifted the quilt beside him, and a deep voice hovered in his ears, "Come here."

Ning Xi swallowed, and crawled over, her eyes sparkling, she raised her head and looked at the man above her, "Darling, what's going on...why...why are you so enthusiastic all of a sudden?"

This is both a bed warmer and a companion to sleep with...

The man frowned slightly, "Don't like it?"

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