Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1230 Everyone's Victory

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi's movies are getting more and more popular, Shi Xiao and Xiong Zhi are probably the happiest.

Not only did the two join the crowd of netizens seeking justice for "Dream Seeker", they were crazy about Amway on the Internet every day, and they even bought movie tickets out of their own pockets to invite people around them to watch for free. Moreover, the two were also senior VIP members of Ning Xi's global fan support group.

Can you be unhappy, the proprietress is getting more and more popular now, and the day when the two of them take office is not far away!

Because all theaters have increased their screening rate under the pressure of the public, the screening rate of "Dream Seeker" started to soar like a rocket...

600 million, 700 million, 800 million, 900 million...

On the tenth day, "Dream Seeker" broke through the billion mark in one fell swoop!

On the other hand, "I Only Like You" is still stagnant in the early 500 million, and's score is only 3.5 points!

All netizens cheered and celebrated spontaneously.

It's not just a triumph for one film, it's a triumph for all of them.

To put it a bit bigger, it can even be said to be a major event in the history of Huaguo film!

A high-end villa in the imperial capital.

Liang Biqin cried in front of Su Yimo, "Cousin! That woman is so insidious, she is clearly trying to force me to death, stepping on my head to get in the position! If it wasn't for her, my movie would definitely be a hit, but now, everyone is scolding me... How can I still be in the circle in the future!"

Su Yimo looked at the pile of magazines and newspapers in front of him, all of them were flattering Ning Xi, and his expression turned ugly.

After they learned that Ning Xi's new film was Shen Mian's self-produced low-budget film, they didn't bother to pay more attention to it. Who knew that this film would explode to such an extent...

"Cousin, this woman is very scheming. She first eliminated me, and the next step is probably to deal with you, cousin!" Liang Biqin cried.

Su Yimo sneered, "Then she must have that ability."

Liang Biqin saw that the tone was playful, and immediately flattered her face, "What is she capable of? It was my cousin before you didn't do anything. As long as you do something, you can crush her to death with just one finger!"

"Now that she is in the limelight, if we fight against her at this time, it will make things difficult for the company. Let's wait. What's more, her film has reached its peak with a billion box office." Su Yimo said firmly.

"Cousin, you are so virtuous, and you still think about the company!" Liang Biqin muttered, and then flattered her, "Isn't it just one billion box office? Of course it's nothing in the eyes of my cousin. The box office of my cousin's highest movie exceeded 1.8 billion! It's twice as much as hers!"


The outside world's judgment on "Dream Seeker" is basically the same as Su Yimo's, thinking that after one billion, the upside of "Dream Seeker" is very limited.

Generally, the box office grows fastest in the first week, and it hardly rises after that.

On the day when the billion was broken, Ning Xi posted a set of photos of herself in men's clothing as a bonus as she had agreed with Shen Mian.

Because Lu Tingxiao's photos were so good, almost every one was perfect, and Ning Xi couldn't bear to waste one, so she just made up the nine grids, which was regarded as giving enough benefits to fans.

Netizens have been howling about Ning Xi's men's clothing photos for several days. As soon as Ning Xi's Weibo was posted, within two hours, it became a trending topic, with over 100,000 retweets...

This is simply the influence of the first-line big names!

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