Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1235 Because Mom Looks Good

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

The more Ning Xi watched it, the more she liked it, and said excitedly, "Baby, why are you so talented! It's so good to take pictures of mom!"

Little Baozi looked up at Ma Ma with his little head up, and said with an unusually serious expression, "It's because Mom is pretty!"

Ning Xi clutched her chest, expressing that she was hit by an arrow.

Emma, ​​when Xiaobao couldn't speak, she was already so cute. Now that this little guy can talk, he is so sweet that she has no resistance at all. Even if he wants the stars in the sky, she will probably climb up to pick them up for him...

Before posting on Weibo, Ning Xi sent the photos to Ling Zhizhi and Shen Mian respectively.

Waiting for their reply, Ning Xi caught a glimpse of Lu Tingxiao looking at his phone from the corner of his eye. After a glance, he realized that what Lu Tingxiao was looking at was her photo...and it was just taken...

Ning Xi poked her head from behind like a ghost, and snorted, "Lu Tingxiao, I found out! You actually secretly took pictures of me! Didn't you want to take pictures? Why did you want to take pictures! Show me quickly!"

It's definitely not good to take casual photos, she doesn't allow Lu Tingxiao to have bad photos of herself in her phone!

Lu Tingxiao didn't evade, and let her snatch his phone away.

Ning Xi immediately flipped through the phone with her phone, and the result... the more she looked at it, the redder her face became...

Finally, he gave the man on the sofa a vicious look, "Rogue!!!"

Lu Tingxiao raised his brows slightly, but he seemed to be in a good mood after being scolded, with a teasing smile in his eyes, "Huh?"

Seeing the other party's innocent expression, Ning Xi became even angrier, um, shit!

Obviously they all have the same shape, but when they were photographed by different people, it turned out to be a completely different feeling.

Xiaobao photographed her so tall and big, so kind and healing, but, in Lu Tingxiao's photo, her whole body is full of seductive aura, and a completely casual look seems to be seducing her, making her blush...

It really verified that sentence, what is in the heart, what is seen!

However, in all fairness, it is indeed Lu Tingxiao's photos that are more attractive to fans...

While Ning Xi was making some small calculations in her heart, Lu Tingxiao's slender fingers snatched the phone away precisely, obviously seeing through her innocence.

Ning Xi puffed her cheeks, "Stingy!"

She finally understood why Lu Tingxiao didn't want to take pictures of her. When this guy took pictures of her women's clothes, they were a hundred times more attractive than when he took pictures of her men's clothes...

"Hmph, forget it, my son took better pictures!"

The little bun on the side nodded repeatedly, expressing his agreement.

At this moment, replies from Ling Zhizhi and Shen Mian came one after another, both of them were full of praise for this group of photos.

"Xiao Xi, this group is also very good, although it has a completely different style! Your friend has quite a variety of styles!" Shen Mian on the other end of the phone said.

"Cough, yes..." One is the father and the other is the son, so the difference in style can be small...

After the two checked that there was no problem, Ning Xi posted this group of photos on Weibo.

After sending it out, Ning Xi thought she still had something to explain to the company, so she called Han Momo, "Momo..."

"Brother Xi! Ahhhh! Brother Xi, you actually called me!"

Before Ning Xi could finish her sentence, Han Momo's scream that was so excited that it was about to burst through her eardrums came from the phone.

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