Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1244 Beloved

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

After a little preparation, the filming of the program began.

"Hello, viewers. Everyone knows that every episode of our Beauty's Private Kitchen has female guests who are big beauties. This time, of course, it's the same. However, the beauty we invited today is a bit special. I think many people already know who she is. She is our Ning Xi..." The host Zhu Xiaoan excitedly invited Ning Xi up.

As soon as the words fell, the audience in the audience immediately let out a burst of excited exclamation, and the light board with Ning Xi's name on it was held high...

"Hi everyone, long time no see. It's a pleasure to come to our show again." Ning Xi bowed down in a light gray suit and bowed gentlemanly.

The screams at the scene continued...

The host Zhu Xiaoan's eyes lit up, she stood next to Ning Xi calmly, and touched Ning Xi's skirt, exaggerating, "Oh my god, I can't believe my eyes, you were clearly a beauty when you came last time, but this time you have become a national male god, the dream lover of all girls, and of course, mine..."

Seeing the host approaching Ning Xi at close range and teasing her ambiguously, the audience screamed excitedly and jealously.

The host chatted with Ning Xi for a long time, until the director in the audience reminded him that he reluctantly said, "I'm going to invite our male guest today, Ke Mingyu, the actor who played Lin Yu in "Dream Seeker"—"

After Ke Mingyu stepped onto the stage, the host exchanged a few words and put it aside, then immediately changed the topic to Ning Xi, "Brother Xi, what kind of delicious food will you bring to us today?"

Ning Xi glanced at Ke Mingyu who was beside her, "Today I prepared a very common delicacy, omelet rice, but it's very suitable for everyone to cook for your loved ones!"

Ow! lover!

Ji Feixue and Lin Yu's CP fans in the audience hugged each other excitedly.

Zhu Xiao'an was still somewhat dissatisfied with the change of today's male guest from Shen Hanchen to Ke Mingyu. Ke Mingyu was deliberately ignored on stage and did not give him the topic. At this moment, he just casually said, "I'm looking forward to it! It seems that our male guest today is lucky!"

"So, can we start now?" Ning Xi asked.

"Of course!" The host greeted him with a smile, and asked shyly, "Brother Xi, is there anything I can do for you? Shall I chop the vegetables for you?"

This is not only ignoring the male guest, but even taking away the male guest's job...

Ning Xi didn't understand what Zhu Xiao'an meant, and said with a faint smile, "Aren't girls' hands used for this kind of thing? Let this kind of thing be left to men!"

Hearing this, even though she was rejected, Zhu Xiaoan still bumped into each other, and the audience below were all drunk.

After successfully protecting her shortcomings, Ning Xi walked to the prepared stove.

In order to give the audience the greatest visual enjoyment, today Ning Xi was wearing British-style suits layer after layer on the left. She was very handsome, but it was a bit inconvenient to cook.

Here she just stood in front of the stove, and there was no need for her to speak at all. Ke Mingyu, who had almost no sense of presence since just now, walked up to her very tacitly, and meticulously rolled up her sleeves a little.

"Thank you." Ning Xi met the man's eyes and smiled lightly.

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