Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1252 The Big Boss Will Attend

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

At this time, Ning Xi's cell phone rang.

It happened to be Guo Qisheng calling.

Ning Xi hurriedly connected the phone, "Hey, Director Guo~ I was just discussing with Sister Zhizhi about the script you sent me. I didn't expect you to call me so soon!"

"Ning Xi, that's what I want to tell you. recently..." Guo Qisheng's tone sounded a little hesitant, and he hesitated for a moment before asking, "Ning Xi, have you offended someone recently?"

Hearing this, Ning Xi was slightly taken aback, "No, why did Director Guo ask such a question?"

Guo Qisheng sighed, "I just met with a few investors here, but the investors seemed to be very afraid of me using you, saying that the Lu Corporation had issued a ban on you, and they were afraid that there would be trouble if I started using you..."

"Cough cough cough..." Ning Xi almost choked on her own saliva after hearing this, "Director Guo, what are you talking about? Who ordered me to be banned? The Lu Group?"

Hearing Ning Xi's words, Ling Zhizhi's face suddenly changed.

Guo Qisheng on the other end of the phone said, "I don't know how this news got out. Anyway, this rumor is not good for you and will have a big impact on you... Even if it's just a rumor, it's enough to make many of your resources daunting..."

"Thank you Director Guo for reminding me, I will investigate this matter clearly."

"But you can rest assured on my side, I tailor-made this role for you, and I will wait for you." Guo Qisheng assured.

Ning Xi thanked her again, and then explained the situation to Ling Zhizhi.

Ling Zhizhi's brows were full of worry, "I'm afraid it's not entirely groundless, it should be Su Yimo's actions..."

Ling Zhizhi has always been calm, but now she has a sad face, "Ning Xi, I'll let you know from the beginning, we can't afford to offend Su Yimo's backstage, if it's really the Lu Group who made the message...then...there's almost no room for me to fight back... You must know that in the face of absolute strength, all schemes are useless."

Ning Xi didn't know how to comfort Ling Zhizhi, could it be that it was absolutely impossible for her family's darling to ban her?

So I could only say casually, "Sister Zhizhi, don't worry, things may not be as bad as we imagined!"

"Sister Zhizhi, Brother Xi, it's time for the meeting!" At this moment, Xiaotao knocked on the door to remind her.

Since it will be the anniversary of Shengshi Entertainment in a while, the company specially convened some high-level and influential signing artists to hold a meeting today for some related issues of the anniversary.

After everyone waited for a long time, Su Yimo, Liang Biqin, Zhao Anxin and his party finally arrived.

However, everyone seemed to take it for granted, obviously they had long been accustomed to Su Yimo's behavior.

"Yimo, why are you working so late, you have to pay attention to your health!" Deputy General Manager Yi Xudong not only did not blame her for being late, but expressed some concern.

"Okay, since everyone is here, let's start the meeting now! Since the general manager is in the group, he is very busy recently, so I will chair this meeting..."

At the meeting, Yi Xudong specially commended many artists who have made outstanding contributions, not to mention all kinds of fancy praises of Su Yimo.

As for Ning Xi, the most eye-catching dark horse this year, Yi Xudong didn't even mention a single word, which can be said to be completely ignored.

After talking a lot about the scene, Yi Xudong said excitedly, "I called everyone over today, and there is one more important thing to inform everyone! That is, the company's anniversary celebration, our group president Lu Tingxiao and Mr. Lu will also attend! So, everyone must perform well!"

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