Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1254 Who is in control of the entertainment industry

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Golden Age Entertainment.

After the meeting, because of the news that Vice President Yi Xudong said at the meeting, everyone was in a state of excitement.

"My God! Will Mr. Lu really come? I have been working in Shengshi for five years, and I have never met the big boss once!"

"I saw it once at an event!"

"How is it? Is it really as handsome as the rumors? How does it compare with our second young master?"

"Of course he's handsome! Just looking at him makes my legs weak, okay? Compared with Er Shao, this one can't be compared, because it's a completely different type!"


While discussing, several staff members looked sympathetically in Ning Xi's direction.

"Ning Xi is really miserable, this is going to end just as soon as it becomes popular..."

"Who made her so popular that she even slapped Su Niangniang in the face! I heard that she originally had an endorsement by the Lu Group, but Su Yimo gave it to Liang Biqin with a single word, and Ning Xi will never even think about signing any endorsement advertisements under the Lu Group..."

"I'm going, it's so miserable! The next step should be to block it directly?"

"I think it's over for Ning Xi. Didn't President Lu come over to support Su Yimo in person?"

"I'm going, I suddenly thought of something, Mr. Lu probably won't disclose his relationship with Su Yimo at this anniversary..."


On the other hand, after the meeting ended, Ning Xi turned off the silent mode of her phone, and suddenly saw a text message sent by the big devil on her phone.

So I quickly clicked on it, and saw four words quietly written on the screen——

Lu Baicai: Wait for me to come back.

When Liang Biqin passed by Ning Xi, she bumped heavily on her shoulder on purpose, but Ning Xi's foot was very stable. Not only did she not be able to shake Ning Xi at all, but she staggered due to the recoil, and was supported by Zhao Anxin to stabilize her figure.

Liang Biqin stared at Ning Xi, snorted coldly, and said with a confident attitude: "Ning Xi, if you kneel in front of me and apologize to me now, maybe I can forgive you once more and let you make a living in the entertainment industry."

Su Yimo at the side saw Liang Biqin humiliating Ning Xi in public, but she had no intention of stopping her.

Ning Xi stopped Xiaotao, who was about to step forward in anger, put away her phone, then cast a sidelong glance at Liang Biqin, and said with a chuckle, "I'll give it back to you. Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi, Ms. Liang, I'm sorry to remind you, who will have the final say in the entertainment industry in the future, but it's not certain!"

The moment Ning Xi said those words, almost everyone around gasped.

This Ning Xi must be too courageous! Is she crazy? How dare you even say such a thing...

After Ning Xi finished speaking, she ignored everyone's reactions and left without looking back.

After Ning Xi left, Liang Biqin finally realized how arrogant Ning Xi said just now, and was so angry that she almost vomited blood, "Cousin! Look at her! It's obvious that the lesson this time didn't make her restrain herself at all! She actually said such arrogant words in front of you to provoke you!"

Liang Biqin said, gritted her teeth, and lowered her voice to whisper in Su Yimo's ear, "Cousin, when are you going to do it? I've already thought of several plans for you, and I promise to kill Ning Xi without anyone noticing it!"

When Su Yimo heard this, a trace of coldness flashed across her lips, "I want to do something to her, do I still need a plan?"

Liang Biqin was stunned for a moment, "Uh, cousin means..."

At this time, Zhao Anxin smiled and said, "Biqin, in our capacity as Mo, if we want to deal with that bitch Ning Xi, one sentence is enough, why do we need such trouble!"

Liang Biqin smiled all of a sudden, "That's right...look I'm so confused!"


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