Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1259 Disillusionment

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"Ahhhh! Here we come!"

"Boss Lu is here!"

"Really, really! It's really Boss Lu!"

"Oh, so handsome, my God, someone help me!"

"A woman whom Mr. Lu can fall in love with must have saved the whole world in her previous life!"


Lu Tingxiao appeared amidst the screams of the women who were almost dizzy with excitement.

Looking at the man who was walking step by step surrounded by the high-level people, the man who was so dazzling that the light of the whole world fell on him as soon as he appeared... Su Yimo's heart was beating violently, and his blood was almost boiling.

In the end, Liang Biqin reminded her, "Boss Lu is here! Cousin, why are you still standing there, go!"

Zhao Anxin also gave her an encouraging look, "Yimo, let's go."

All of a sudden, the envious and jealous eyes of the women at the scene almost burned Su Yimo through.

Su Yimo's expression was in a trance, and she could almost imagine that she walked towards him step by step, and then was held by a man, and walked towards the crowd together...

Finally, finally, she took a deep breath, took noble and elegant steps, and walked towards the man step by step under all the envious eyes...

Lu Tingxiao was walking in a straight line with Su Yimo's current direction. He was walking forward coldly, but was suddenly blocked by a person, so he subconsciously stopped, and looked down at the woman in front of him.

The senior executives beside Lu Tingxiao, except for Lu Jingli, all had teasing expressions on their faces, "Boss Lu, you made our beautiful Su wait for a long time tonight..."

Su Yimo held the posture of a goddess, but her face was full of the shyness of a little woman. She raised her head nervously, looked at the man with godlike eyes, and shyly called his name, "Tingxiao..."

She had called this name thousands of times in her dreams, and at this moment, she finally had the opportunity to say this name to him personally.

However, Lu Tingxiao's cold face suddenly became a little colder, and he looked at the woman like looking at a tiny ant: "Who are you?"

In an instant...

There was silence.

Whether it was artists, employees, investors, or the media, none of them seemed to have expected Lu Tingxiao's reaction to be like this...

This... This is completely different from what they imagined...

Su Yimo was full of fantasies about being gently held by the hand in the next second, but she didn't expect to get these three words, and immediately stood there with a pale face...

What... what's going on!

Could it be that Tingxiao didn't want to make it public?

So why did he show up in person today and do all this?

Lu Jingli on the side touched his nose carefully, and secretly clicked his tongue, his brother is really ruthless! Three words kill...

Before everyone could react, Lu Tingxiao had passed Su Yimo and continued walking forward with a blank expression.

After Lu Tingxiao signed his name on the autograph wall, the media who were stupefied just now had all reacted and rushed over to surround Lu Tingxiao...

For the first time, the reporter from the entertainment newspaper took the lead: "Mr. Lu, you just said that you don't know Ms. Su?"

Lu Tingxiao: "Should I know her?"

Reporter from Next Magazine: "Uh... don't you know about your scandal with Ms. Su?"

Lu Tingxiao: "Gossip?"

A reporter from the Southern Newspaper: "It is said that you have no regrets for Miss Su, and you have been supporting her silently behind your back for so many years!"

Reporter from the First Entertainment News: "Aren't you going to announce your relationship at the anniversary celebration today..."

Sun Daily reporter: "It has been rumored that Ms. Su is your girlfriend!"


Facing the excited and excited questions of the reporters, Lu Tingxiao glanced over everyone one by one with his cold gaze, and said unhurriedly, "Is my vision so bad?"

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