Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1261 The Vision of the Boss

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

In the corner, Xiaotao's face was flushed with excitement, looking like she wanted to kneel down to the boss.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Brother Xi! Did you hear that! Our big boss is so handsome! This time, Su Yimo's face has been thrown into the Pacific Ocean! I can see how she will continue to bludgeon and cheat everywhere in the future by relying on her trumped-up status as the 'Madam of the Lu Group'!"

Ling Zhizhi obviously didn't expect this development at all, her heart went up and down like a roller coaster.

All of this turned out to be a misunderstanding... Lu Tingxiao didn't know Su Yimo at all...?

The Lu Group's convenience to Su Yimo before was just because she was an artist of Shengshi Entertainment?

But at that time, Shengshi Entertainment had so many potential stars, why did it choose Su Yimo who was not popular at the time, and gave her so many resources?

"Hmph, I think Su Yimo was selected as a key player back then. It was pure luck that the company just pushed someone out. Who knew that she was so conceited and self-righteous that she actually thought that Lu Tingxiao had a crush on her! Damn it! That's right! I saw the BOSS's expression just now was quite unhappy, this Su Yimo is finally going to be in trouble..." Xiaotao chattered excitedly.

Seeing Ning Xi sitting there quietly, never saying a word, Xiaotao leaned over curiously and asked, "Brother Xi, I found that you have been very calm since before, and you didn't react at all when you were banned. Didn't you know that this would be the result?"

Ning Xi's gaze fell on the man surrounded by reporters without blinking. Hearing this, she glanced at Xiaotao and said with a chuckle, "Because I firmly believe that the boss's vision will never be so bad!"

Xiaotao: "Uh..." This reason seems to be irrefutable...

Xiaotao saw Ning Xi staring at the boss without blinking her eyes. That gaze was so focused that she had never seen before... so focused that it gave her the illusion of being sweet and affectionate...

Xiaotao shook her head violently, shaking off the wild thoughts in her head, Mr. Boss is so handsome, it is normal for a girl to show such an expression when she sees him...


"Oh! Since the boss has nothing to do with Su Yimo, can we compete fairly for the welfare that the second young master mentioned?" A female artist in the crowd asked in surprise.

"Ahh! So excited!"

"You can dance with the BOSS!"

"God bless, I hope the boss can draw me!"


At this moment, Su Yimo still stood there motionless, and was finally pulled into a corner by Zhao Anxin and Liang Biqin.

Looking at the unattainable and unattainable men waiting for Crystal not far away, looking at the mocking and sneering eyes around her... Su Yimo felt dizzy...

"It's not true... It's not true... He obviously loves me... He obviously loves me so much..." Su Yimo was in a trance and murmured repeatedly.

She has been weaving this dream of love for too long, and she has completely deceived herself into it...

In fact, from the very beginning, she felt that all of this was too unreasonable, but the little doubts and greedy thoughts that were like flames grew in her heart little by little, coupled with the huge benefits and vanity brought to her by the rumors about her and Lu Tingxiao, it bewitched her deeper and deeper like opium.

She gradually began to weave and perfect this dream step by step, and she fell into everyone's flattery and admiration. She not only deceived everyone, but also herself, and even she herself firmly believed that this man must love her deeply...

Until today, this dream was awakened by a sudden heavy hammer, and it was severely torn apart in front of everyone...

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