Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1264 Amazing my brother!

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Everyone showed an aggrieved expression!

No matter who it is, it's better than Su Yimo!

"It's too shameless! If you can't cheat and deceive, now you can change it to seduce directly, right?"

"The boss hates her! Don't dance with her! No matter who it is, it's better than Su Yimo!"

"However, today is such an important occasion, so many reporters are watching, and the second young master has made the rules very clear. Even if Su Yimo made a move, it probably won't change..."


"Yimo, don't be discouraged! With your looks, there is no man who is not attracted to him. It's just a girlfriend and he's not married. You have a chance!"

While talking to Su Yimo, Zhao Anxin gave the host on stage a vicious wink.

The host is from Su Yimo's party, so he said directly as if he was afraid of any accident, "Congratulations to Yimo, please..."

However, before he finished speaking, a cold voice came from beside him, "Substitute."

The host's face immediately turned pale, and it was because of the extremely oppressive air pressure beside Lu Tingxiao that he trembled all over.


Lu Tingxiao actually said in public that he wanted to replace him, his dislike for Su Yimo was undisguised!

"Oh! Long live the boss!"

"so cool!"

"This kind of person should treat her like this!"


"Go and smoke." Lu Tingxiao looked at the host and said.

The host didn't dare to have any objection, he stretched out his hand and took out a number without delaying for a moment, after seeing the number on the note, the host's legs softened and he almost knelt down...

At the same time, the high-definition aerial camera suddenly pointed at the note in the host's hand under the control...

On the huge screen behind him, the number on the note was impressively displayed - 29!

It's the 29th again!

"I'll go! Why are there two numbers 29?"

"Do you need to ask? That box must be full of numbers 29!"

"Hahaha... Su Yimo's embarrassment is huge!"

"Is she still ashamed tonight?"


Vice President Yi Xudong stumbled onto the stage, and said in fear, "I'm really sorry, Mr. Lu, there was a small mistake!"

After speaking, he glared at the host on the side with an angry face, "How do you do things? How did you come up with two identical numbers?"

The host was aggrieved, but he couldn't talk back.

Under the stage, Zhao Anxin suddenly fell to the ground...


It's all over...

I thought this opportunity was a life-saving straw, but who knew it was the last straw that crushed them...

She couldn't imagine how after tonight, the image of the cold goddess she created for Su Yimo would be shattered...

After the brief twists and turns, Lu Jingli smiled and moved another cardboard box to it himself. To show fairness, he even drew a number plate several times to prove that the numbers inside were all different, and then he took the place of the host...

Now that everyone finally had no objections, they stared excitedly at Lu Tingxiao's fingers poking into the box again...

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooth of arm!

On the stage, Lu Jingli took the note from his brother with a smile, unfolded it unhurriedly, and was about to use his "transformation" skill to replace it with Xiao Xixi, but in the next second, his eyes widened...


Number 166! ! !

Amazing my brother, he actually won Xiao Xixi by himself?

[There is another chapter in the code...]

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