Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1313 Chapter 1314 Almost Extinct

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Just when Qian Caijun didn't faint from drinking, but almost fainted from anger, Yun Shen changed the subject and said again, "Hey, I have limited funds, so a billion is not enough, but if it is less, it would be better." no problem."

As soon as Yun Shen said this, Qian Caijun immediately came back to life, "Of course I understand this, I understand! Mr. Yun, look at the investment, as much as you want!"

Let alone three to five hundred million!

Yun Shen turned his head and said something to the bodyguard who was dressed in black with a serious face beside him, and then the bodyguard left.

It looks like he is going to get money?

Soon, the bodyguard came back, and with Qian Caijun's expectant expression on his face, he stretched out his hand towards him expressionlessly.

Qian Caijun spread out his palms...

In the next second, a silver one-dollar coin fell into Qian Caijun's fat palm...

Everyone, including Qian Caijun, was confused again! dollar!

Are they dazzled?

"Uh, a dollar? Is that a dollar? Or am I reading it wrong!"

"No... that's right, it's just one dollar!"

"I'll go! This President Yun is really amazing! I can't guess what he will do in the next second!"

"Isn't Yun always having a grudge against Qian Caijun?"

"Who knows! But I look like it!"

"Qian Caijun deserves it right. It's not the first time this old guy has troubled a girl. Last time he deliberately paid a dollar to humiliate her at a charity auction... This must be retribution!"

"Uh, after hearing what you said, why do you feel that Mr. Yun has something to do with this girl?"


"Paji" a dollar fell into the palm of his hand, followed by a "bang", Qian Caijun fell on his head.

This time, I was really stunned...

Ning Xueluo, who watched nervously for a long time, was even more furious!

The hotel manager hurriedly asked the waiter to carry him out. Facing Yun Shen, he didn't even dare to say a fart. Instead, he said cautiously, "You have surprised the guests! I'm really sorry!"

Seeing that things had developed to this point, she and Yun Shen were surrounded by everyone, and there were more and more speculations and discussions around them. Ning Xi had a headache and hurriedly took advantage of the opportunity when Qian Caijun fainted Want to take advantage of the chaos and leave.

At this time, Ning Yaohua, who had been watching for a long time in the corner, couldn't stay any longer, and excitedly went forward and said, "Thank you, Mr. Yun, for making a righteous move to rescue the little girl!"

Ning Yaohua said while handing over a business card with both hands, "Mr. Yun, I am Ning Yaohua, the chairman of Ning International. I have passed the project plan to your company before. I wonder if Mr. Yun has any impression?"

No matter why Yun Shen made the move, this is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

With so many people around him just now, he didn't even have room to speak...

When Ning Xi saw Ning Yaohua who hadn't said a word when she was picked on just now, but now ran over quickly, her eyes darkened.

Yun Shen glanced at the girl's face, then took the business card and said, "Ning's International, I have a little impression."

Ning Yaohua was overjoyed immediately, and then talked about the relevant details, "I didn't expect Mr. Yun to remember! Even if our Ning's International is not one of the best in the imperial capital, it is also a time-honored brand in the industry, and our cooperation with the Su family Has always been close, in addition to our channels..."

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