Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1315 shameless face

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

It was obvious that Ning Yaohua and Zhuang Lingyu had also thought of this incident, and their eyes were filled with surprise and uncertainty.

No matter what, it was impossible for them to expect that the person they were looking for with all their heart and soul... would be Ning Xi's fan!

And the other party was so obsessed with Ning Xi that he almost obeyed her advice!

When Ning Yaohua thought of Ning Xi's answer just now, he couldn't wait.

Damn girl, if you just agree directly, you will get the one billion investment.

As far as he knows, this Yun Shen has never made a move of less than one billion...

Here Ning Yaohua wanted to make amends, but Yun Shen had no intention of talking to him, so he turned around and left.

Before leaving, the man stopped and turned to look at Ning Xi and said, "Honey, don't miss me too much, we will meet again soon."

Ning Xi: "..."

As soon as Yun Shen left, Ning Yaohua couldn't bear it anymore, and Zhuang Lingyu also pointed the finger at her.

"Ning Xi, why are you so ignorant!"

"Just now, why didn't you directly say that you hope he can invest? Do you know how much the company lost because of your words?"

"Sister, what you did just now is really too much..."


Ning Xi's eyes swept over the three of them one by one, she was almost disgusted to death, and said coldly, "Just now when I was picked on by that Qian Caijun, you one, two or three acted as if you didn't know me, but now you demand I told a stranger who I have never met before, let him sell me such a big favor, this favor, what are you going to give me to repay in the future?"

"Xiao Xi, my father didn't have time just now. I was ready to stop it at that time. You can't get angry just because of such a trivial matter! Why don't you find a time later, you have a meal with Mr. Yun, and help father talk to Mr. Yun again. Say?" Ning Yaohua thought of Yun Shen treating Ning Xi differently, and didn't want to have a falling out with her, so he tried his best to soften his tone.

"What's the matter if we didn't go there at the time? Do you want to embarrass us by embarrassing yourself?" Zhuang Lingyu's tone was not so good.

Thinking of what she'd done, how she'd screwed up just now, filled her with anger.

Ning Xueluo at the side patted Zhuang Lingyu on the back thoughtfully, telling her not to get too angry...

At this moment, a woman's sharp voice came from behind - "Oh, it's embarrassing enough!"

"Aunt..." Ning Xi looked at the person coming.

Ning Qiutong had just heard the waiter explain the whole story, and touched Ning Xi's head with a distressed expression, then turned her eyes sharply to the three of them, "Ning Xi is really ashamed to have parents like you! He ran faster than anyone else, left the door clear, and saw that he was useful, and came to bite a daughter, the shamelessness of my brother and sister-in-law really taught me a lot!"

"You..." Zhuang Lingyu's face turned black with anger.

"What about me? I'm telling you today, you have never raised Ning Xi, taught her, or recognized her. You have no right to ask her to do anything!

"Cough, Qiu Tong, keep your voice down!" Ning Yaohua looked around suspiciously.

Ning Qiutong was so angry that her beautiful eyes were full of fire, but her face was covered with a layer of frost. Holding Ning Xi's hand, she suddenly strode towards the center of the crowd...

"What...she wants to do!" Zhuang Lingyu suddenly had an ominous premonition.

Ning Xi frowned and looked at Ning Qiutong, "Auntie..."

Ning Qiutong interrupted her directly, and said, "Xiao Xi, don't talk, everything is up to me."

After finishing speaking, he said directly in front of everyone present, "Everyone!"

All of a sudden, everyone's eyes subconsciously looked in the direction of Ning Qiutong——

[Baby, let me inform you that I need to sort out the outline. Starting today, I will update four chapters every day for the time being, and I will resume it as soon as possible! To avoid vomiting blood in this chapter, I will write another chapter later]

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