Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1324 Pregnant

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"Boom boom boom—"

The knock on the door echoed in the empty house.

The building was dark and there were no lights on, and it was unknown if there was anyone inside...

However, it's so late, and Ning Tianxin has nowhere to go, logically speaking, this is the only place she can come!

Could it be that something happened inside?

Ning Xi rang the doorbell for a long time but no one opened it, so she broke the door when she couldn't prepare.

At this moment, with a "squeak", the door was pulled open from the inside——

Ning Tianxin stood there with no blood on her face, with a dazed expression on her face. After seeing Ning Xi, she couldn't bear it any longer, and threw herself into Ning Xi's arms, "Xiaoxi...Xiaoxi... …what do I do……"

Ning Xi's heart skipped a beat, "Are you...pregnant?"

Hearing these two words, Ning Tianxin's body trembled suddenly, she nodded her head lightly on her shoulders, and said in a somewhat excited tone, "Yes, I'm pregnant... I changed several different My pregnancy test stick... tested many times... the results are all pregnant... all are..."

"Okay, okay, don't worry, let's go in first!" Ning Xi suppressed the murderous anger in her heart, and carefully helped Ning Tianxin to walk in.

Turning on the light, looking at the several pregnancy test sticks on the table, Ning Xi had a headache.

"About a few months?" Ning Xi asked.

"About three months..."

"Are you usually unresponsive?"

"It's just more drowsiness, poor appetite, and slight nausea... But I used to have similar reactions when I was in a bad state, and my menstrual period would be disordered when I was stressed, so I didn't think about it at all..." Ning Tian Xin buried her head in pain.

Ning Xi squeezed the space between her eyebrows, and asked a crucial question, "What are you going to do now, do you want this child, or don't you want it?"

"No...I don't want to..." Ning Tianxin shook her head immediately.

Ning Xi thought that Ning Tianxin would definitely be reluctant. After all, it was the child of the man she had liked for so many years. She didn't expect Ning Tianxin to say "no" so decisively. She couldn't help being a little surprised, "Are you sure?"

Ning Tianxin nodded affirmatively, "Xiao Xi, I don't want to part with this child, but I can't have him. I don't want my tragedy to repeat itself on him."

Hearing this, Ning Xi suddenly realized.

Ning Tianxin's parents have always had a bad relationship. As a victim, she naturally doesn't want her future children to suffer such harm...

Ning Tianxin said slowly, "That person...he already has someone he likes, and he likes him very much, just like I like him, for many years. So, I know too well, it is impossible for him to give up on that woman Yes! I don't want to fall into such a lowly situation of using a child to tie him up...I can't have this child!"

Hearing Ning Tianxin's words, Ning Xi felt a touch of admiration in her heart. As a cousin, she seemed to have a weak temperament, but she was still very assertive in this kind of matter.

However, looking at Ning Tianxin's painful appearance, she didn't need to think about it, she had to struggle so much to make such a cruel decision.

After all, Ning Xi still couldn't bear it, and said tentatively, "How about, Sister Tianxin, do you want to test that man's attitude before making a decision? Maybe there is still a possibility between you two?"

Ning Tianxin shook his head, "No need, his attitude was already confirmed last time, knowing that after being with me that night, he was in so much pain, and he was in so much pain that he betrayed the person he liked, why should I go again embarrass him..."

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