Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1327 Is it a mistake?

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"You too." The man looked at the girl for a while, then turned and left.

The moment he opened the door and got in the car, Ning Xi suddenly called out to him, "Lu Tingxiao..."

Lu Tingxiao turned around and looked suspiciously at him.

Ning Xi's fingers clenched into fists, and after a long while, she loosened them one by one. In the end, she just waved her hand, "Slow down on the road."



After Lu Tingxiao left, Ning Xi stood there for a long time...a long time...until her body became a little stiff and numb, and then she went back into the house step by step...

There are some things... she has to tell him...

No matter how hard it is...

She also has to uproot it from the dark, moldy corner of her heart, even if it sees the light of day again, what she will face is another hell...


the next morning.

Before going to the hospital, Ning Xi went home and changed into her attire.

Wearing gray sportswear, braids, freckles all over her face, and black-rimmed glasses that almost covered half of her face, she instantly changed from a beautiful woman to an invincible ugly woman.

After arriving at the hospital, Ning Xi was afraid that Ning Tianxin would be tired, so she asked her to sit and wait by the side, and went to the queue to register and pay the fee by herself, and then took her upstairs to the obstetrics and gynecology department to wait for the examination.

"Xiao Xi... I really troubled you!" Ning Tianxin wiped the sweat off Ning Xi's forehead with a handkerchief, with a face full of self-blame.

Ning Xi said angrily, "Sister Tianxin, which one of us is with the other, you are my cousin, I will be angry if I say this next time!"

"But, don't you have to work today? And... in case you are seen here..." Ning Tianxin was still worried.

"Shouyou, sister Tianxin, you don't have to worry, I happen to be fine today, and besides, my disguise skills are superb, how could anyone recognize me, I'm already very proficient at this skill, and I'm just relying on this trick , you can rest assured..."

Ning Xi was comforting Ning Tianxin when, out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly saw two acquaintances, a man and a woman, at the door of the orthopedic department opposite.

Or an acquaintance that she can't even ignore...

The man is Mo Lingtian, but the woman is Guan Ziyao!

Mo Lingtian held a lot of bills in one hand, and carefully supported Guan Ziyao with the other hand. Guan Ziyao seemed to have injured his leg.

A few times before, Ning Xi had already seen that Mo Lingtian was interested in Guan Ziyao. Looking at the current situation, did she increase her horsepower and start to act?

Ning Xi only read it as a gossip for a while, but didn't pay much attention to it. Anyway, it has nothing to do with her, as long as Guan Ziyao doesn't try to trick her darling...

Ning Xi curled her lips, looked away, and was about to talk to Ning Tianxin, to reassure her not to be nervous, but found that Ning Tianxin's expression was very strange.

He was fine just now, but now he is staring blankly in the opposite direction, his lips are trembling, and his face is pale...

Ning Xi subconsciously followed Ning Tianxin's gaze towards the opposite side, and found that the direction Ning Tianxin was looking at seemed to be the direction of Mo Lingtian and Guan Ziyao...

How is this going?

Is she wrong?

Ning Xi was full of suspicion when a nurse's voice came from inside, so she had to quickly take Ning Tianxin in.

What followed was a series of detailed inspections. Ning Xi found that Ning Tianxin's state was indeed very wrong, she was absent-minded like sleepwalking the whole time...

After finally finishing the examination, Ning Tianxin sat down in front of the doctor again, Ning Xi stood by and accompanied nervously, "Doctor, how are you?"

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