Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1329 Take Responsibility

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Perhaps a duplicate name?


She clearly heard the name "Guan Ziyao" just now.

A "Mo Lingtian" may have the same name. Could it be a coincidence that two people have the same name?

Thinking of this, the face of the director of obstetrics and gynecology suddenly became extremely ugly...

My sister and brother-in-law almost donated several temples in order to pray for a grandson all day long!

As a result, that brat Ling Tian...

"You brat! It's irresponsible to make the stomach of other girls bigger!?" In anger, the female director slapped the table hard, and then blurted out.

Ning Xi and Ning Tianxin, who were talking, were taken aback by what the other said, and then subconsciously looked at the doctor.

The doctor hurriedly restrained his strange expression, coughed lightly and looked at Ning Tianxin. This time, his tone softened a lot, and he said earnestly, "About the harm and consequences of abortion to the body, I have just told you It's over, this is not alarmist talk, this kind of thing is really harmful to the girl's body, not to mention your physique is very special..."

The doctor recounted the dangers and consequences of abortion persuasively, and then continued, "So, child, I suggest you think carefully before making a decision. Your friend's words are very reasonable, and the father of the child should be held accountable. Come!"

The last sentence of the female doctor's tone was obviously accentuated.

"I've thought it through..." Ning Tianxin said firmly.

She was afraid, afraid that after leaving here, she would no longer have the courage to make this decision, so she didn't dare to give herself any room to retreat...

This is obviously because the woman Ling Tian and Guan Ziyao were stimulated just now, so she became more determined to kill the child!

Seeing this, the female doctor stomped her feet anxiously, so she could only continue to persuade her calmly, "With your current mental state, if I do it for you, you will regret it later, who will be responsible for the trouble you come to the hospital? And Even if you decide to do it, you can’t do it today, and it will take at least a week to make an appointment, so I’ll make an appointment for you first, and you must think carefully after you go back during this period.”

Ning Tianxin hesitated for a while, and finally said, "This...well...Director Kang, thank you!"

The doctor had already talked to this point, and in the end Ning Tianxin could only leave with Ning Xi's support.

After the two girls left, Kang Wanru immediately picked up the phone on the table and made a call, "Hey, Doctor Zhang, I have an urgent matter at my house, can you come over and help me with a shift? That's right. , now immediately!"

After finishing the phone call, Kang Wanru took off her white coat, changed her clothes, picked up her bag, and left the consultation room in a hurry.

On the way, Kang Wanru called her sister while driving quickly towards Mo's house, "Hey, sister, where are you now?"

"I'm at school, what's the matter? Aren't you attending the clinic today? Why are you free to call me?"

"Sister, no matter where you are, you should go home immediately and call your brother-in-law together!"

"What's going on? Your brother-in-law is still at work right now!"

"Is it important for your grandson to go to work? Come back quickly! I have something important to tell you!" Kang Wanru's tone was extremely urgent.

"Grand... grandson? Wanru, what are you talking about?"

"Anyway, it's right for you to come back! Also, you should immediately call Ling Tian and ask him to come back too! Human lives are at stake!!!"


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