Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1339 Do you have a girlfriend

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

"What's the question, I'll answer it!" The punks who had been beaten up suddenly changed their attitudes when they saw that Ning Xi was not easy to mess with.

Ning Xi casually pointed to one of the yellow hairs: "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"No, no..." Huang Mao shook his head blankly.

Ning Xi beat her up immediately, "You don't even have a girlfriend!"

Huangmao: "..."

Ning Xi pointed at a red-haired man again, "What about you, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Yes!" Hongmao nodded repeatedly.

Ning Xi regained her spirits immediately, knelt down in front of the red hair, and asked, "Then let me ask you, if your girlfriend hides something from you, will you break up with her?"

Hongmao thought for a while, "Well, I think the most important thing for two people to be together is sincerity. If my girlfriend hides from me, I probably will break up!"

As soon as the voice fell, he was beaten violently.

Red Hair: "..."

"Whoever has a girlfriend, raise your hand!" Ning Xi roared angrily.

Where there are still people who dare to raise their hands, they all shrink back and dare not speak.

Ning Xi: "Whoever doesn't do it will be beaten!"

Immediately all hands were raised again...

Ning Xi casually pointed to a bald head, "What about you, if something happened to your girlfriend, you might not be able to accept it, even though she had vaccinated you from the beginning, even though you said you didn't care about her at the beginning. In the past, but when you really know what this matter is, will you break up with her?"

The bald head couldn't understand what Ning Xi was saying, but because of the experience of the previous few, he said decisively: "That must not be the case! Sir, if you break up because of such a trivial matter, you can still be a man." ?"

As a result, as soon as the words fell, there was another beating, "Who do you say is not a man!"

Bald head: "..."

In this way, almost all the punks were beaten up for various strange reasons...

They figured it out, this person didn't want to ask questions at all, she just wanted to hit someone...

"Brother, which path are you on? What do you want! Can you please let me go?" The bald man was about to cry.

Not far away, Tang Lang saw this scene as soon as he arrived, and he couldn't bear to watch it any longer, "Boy, you're almost done! Let them go! They're all pitiful!"

Everyone immediately nodded and looked at Tang Lang gratefully, with a look of asking for help.

Then, Tang Lang was beaten...

Looking at Ning Xi who beat up even his own people, everyone's expression: "..."

It's too late... Where did the devil king of the world come from?

"Fuck! Are you really crazy?" Tang Lang and Ning Xi immediately fought together.

During this period of time, under his training, Ning Xi's skills have improved a lot, and the two of them passed more than ten moves in an instant...

That girl didn't know where she got her strength, after drinking so much wine and tossing around for most of the night, she was still so energetic, she could go up the mountain to fight tigers, and go down to the sea to draw dragons.

Tang Lang had no choice but to fight with her. What happened to this girl?

Seeing this, a few punks wanted to take advantage of the chaos and escape, but the result was undoubtedly another fat beating.

The scene was chaotic...

At this moment, a low-key and luxurious black Maybach quietly stopped not far ahead.

Two rows of car lights illuminated the road ahead, and I saw a young man stepping on the back of a bald head, five big and three gangsters with roughly dyed colorful hair were crying and howling begging the young man to let them go, the scene was very miserable...

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