Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1343 Announcing Important News

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

A round of morning sun rose slowly, and it was the next morning in a blink of an eye.

Today seems destined to be an unusual day...

Looking at the newspaper, almost every article is big news.

"Qian Caidong, Director of the Public Security Bureau of the Imperial City, was arrested and imprisoned for corruption and bribery", "The Qian Group's capital chain is broken, and Qian Caijun may go bankrupt", "Huaguo's strongest dark horse Yilan venture capital sweeps the business storm, mysterious investment Crowded and deep, light speed reached the Forbes list"...

In addition to the social edition and the financial edition, the most lively one is the entertainment edition.

"Director Guo Qisheng's super IP fantasy drama "Nine Heavens" is about to launch, two heroines duel with big names gathered", "Ning Xueluo, the No. evening"……

Because of the aftermath of "Dream Seeker", Ning Xi's gossip received a lot of attention, on par with Ning Xueluo's. Even though Lu Jingli's side had been working all night, it was still the focus of everyone's attention this morning. At this moment, public opinion has been reversed...

In the TV screen of the morning entertainment, a reporter is interviewing a pretty girl:

Reporter: "Miss Li, are you the girl who saw Ning Xi kick someone and steal a car in the video last night?"

Girl: "What! You reporters, please stop talking nonsense, okay? The video is so blurry, how on earth did you recognize that it was my brother Xi? I was so close at the time, and I knew best that that person was older than my brother Xi. They don't look alike at all, except for a slight resemblance in profile, he's not one-thousandth as handsome as my brother Xi, okay? My brother Xi is as beautiful as a single strand of hair..."

Reporter: "Alright, alright, miss, we've made it clear."

Girl: "What do you know! Listen to me, okay? The beauty of my brother's hair can kill that person in seconds! I know that my brother Xi is very popular now, but some people can't black her so much. Right? Brother Xi is a public figure, and now is the most important period of rising, how could he appear alone on such an occasion as last night..."

In the end, a good interview turned into a stand-up speech for Ning Xi's fans...

Coincidentally, some of the other interviewees present at the time were similar to this girl.

Some of them were arranged by Lu Jingli, however, many of them said so spontaneously.

Because many of these people were Ning Xi's fans, subconsciously out of the psychology of defending their idols, they all said that it was absolutely impossible for that person to be Ning Xi last night.

Subconsciously, the loyalty of Ning Xi's fans has begun to increase...

In short, after one night, last night's ups and downs have been attributed to an oolong.

Shengshi Entertainment has been busy all night, and Xinghui Entertainment has not been idle because of Ning Xueluo's sudden rumor.

For Ning Xueluo, who had always positioned herself as a "white rich beauty" and a "winner in life", if the title of "rich daughter" collapsed, her entire image would suffer a devastating blow.

Let alone Xinghui, the Ning family is most anxious.

The Ning family held a press conference overnight. Ning Yaohua and Zhuang Lingyu attended together. They firmly denied the rumor and said that they would pursue the legal responsibility of the rumor maker.

At the same time, in order to divert everyone's attention, the Ning family said at the end of the press conference that a big news will be announced soon!

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