Maybe You Are So Shining

Chapter 1357 I want to throw myself into the arms of my darling

Biquge, the fastest update may make you shine!

Ning Xi stared at the two red days for a long time.

In the end, he finally sent a text message to Lu Tingxiao: [Honey, the date is set for this weekend, right? ]

If possible, she hopes that there will be more time. What she is most worried about is that if there is any accident, her state will get out of control, which will affect her work. This matter is settled. If she keeps procrastinating, she can't concentrate on other things.

Not long after the text message was sent, Lu Tingxiao called back: "I saw the message, I can do it here."

"Okay, then it's settled!" Ning Xi said cheerfully, but in fact, the moment she heard Lu Tingxiao's voice, she immediately had the thought of retreating, bewitching her to escape and forget.

"Are you done with your work? I just finished a meeting, so I went to see you?" Lu Tingxiao asked.

Ning Xi's heart skipped a beat, "Ah, don' side isn't over yet, it might be very late..."

"Okay, don't be too tired, go to bed early after work."

"Yeah, I hung up, okay~" Ning Xi hung up the phone with a face full of relief.

What the hell! She was already shaken just by hearing Lu Tingxiao's voice. If she saw him in person, she would not be thrown into the Maria Trench if she finally made up her mind!

No, she has to quickly stabilize the morale of the army before the weekend, and try to tell them all in one breath...


The next day, Ning Xi got up early in the morning and rushed to the Lu Corporation.

As soon as the car was parked, a familiar black Maybach pulled up opposite, Lu Jingli's excited head poked out from the passenger window, "Hey, Xiao Xixi, what a coincidence! You come..."

Before she finished speaking, Ning Xi had already disappeared like a rabbit.

"Uh..." Lu Jingli scratched his head, and looked at his brother next to him with a confused face, "Didn't Xiao Xixi see us? That's not right! You clearly saw us like that! Our eyes met...then Why did you run faster than a rabbit when you saw us... and there is no one else nearby..."

Lu Tingxiao looked at the direction the girl was leaving, and frowned imperceptibly.

In the elevator.

Ning Xi patted her chest for the rest of her life.

So dangerous, so dangerous...

She had accumulated all night's blue bars and almost emptied them all.

Woooooo... Nima! She clearly wanted to run over and throw herself into the arms of her sweetheart~

No, hold back! She didn't want to use any excuse to hide anything from him, even if she said it, the price might be unbearable for her...

Walking into the advertising department, Ning Xi was the first to arrive.

"Brother Xi is here, you came so early!" Ye Ying greeted warmly.

"Morning Director Ye! Well, are the others here yet? Then I'll take a nap for a while! Is that okay?"

"Of course! Is Brother Xi too busy with work lately? Don't wear yourself out! Rest, it's fine, the others will have to wait for a while! I'll call you when someone comes!" Ye Ying opened the mouth.


After Ning Xi finished speaking, before anyone else came, she sat on the sofa and leaned back for a while.

She didn't sleep all night last night because she had been fighting the manic factor in her body all night.

In the past, the way she vented her pressure was all kinds of extreme sports or dangerous tasks...

Soon, others came over one after another.

Ning Xi was squinting her eyes and closing her eyes, when a gloomy voice came from beside her ear, "How about it, have you considered what I said last time?"

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